the clumsy us

Marianna 2022-04-22 07:01:32

"Francis Ha"

is a movie that I have watched twice in a row, how amazing, there has never been any movie that I can watch continuously, even at the age of crazy obsession with Forrest Gump and Gone with the Wind, it's just a gap I will only want to repeat it some days ago, but this movie has been watched twice in a row, and... I still think it is very good, so it is really highly recommended, black and white film, biography-like narration, not surprising , on the contrary, it makes people feel more truly the story the director wants to tell us, the story about friendship, about youth, about life.

It was recommended by Juju. He said that this is a movie about a clumsy old girl. We all have such people around us, and maybe we are also like that. After watching it, although not all agree with his stubborn point of view, but, indeed, this is a movie that describes us, every girl! The clumsy girl in his mouth is us. We left the university and came to reality. We couldn’t find a way out, we couldn’t see the future, but we were arrogant and arrogant. , mixed with a hard heart of affection. We have also been betrayed by people we deeply depended on, and we have also thought that who will be the one who will always hold our hand and go to the future; we have also been out of place in the environment, telling stories that others sneered at; we have also walked alone on the journey , I imagine that there is a paradise in the distance; after life will attack us with coldness one after another, we finally understand that no one in this world is who is who, and finally we can put the innocence that used to be beautiful and worthy of pride and persistence in a feather Below, no longer show people. We can finally pretend to be ourselves in peace and live in a seemingly stable and prosperous work life. Only we can understand that the glittering sequins inlaid on the camouflage are made of tears.

Every girl is Francis, but we are proud and regretful that we ended up living ourselves as Francis Ha.

In the film, F is an undateable girl. After graduating from college, she lives with her best friend Sophie. Sophie can be said to be her spiritual support. This kind of company is the most needed and warmest for F who has accomplished nothing at work. They are like a pair of lesbians who no longer have sex, but life is not your naivety, and others have to accompany your naive frame. Sophie is mean and realistic, although she also loves F, but I think she can see the world more clearly and understand the direction of real life, so she knows that living with F, she can only become a mean person in the end. But no future F. She chose to leave F step by step. First, she moved out of the apartment she shared with F, and moved to an apartment with a girl who was helpful to her career development but hated in her heart. Then she found a Goldman Sachs investment manager for herself. Although she may not love him very much, Sophie is the kind of girl who always knows what she needs, what she needs in the future, and what she needs in life. As for F, she can't get out of the happy and carefree life with Sophie, she continues to wander and live heartlessly, she wants to prove that she can live well, she goes alone Paris, but she received a call from Sophie, and she did not say that she was in Paris in the end, because that was her and Sophie's dream, she was unwilling to hurt Sophie, although she was hurt by Sophie again and again, because She... how to say, kind? Righteousness? Because she is a good girl!

Yes, she is a good girl! She's the kind of girl who comes home in the middle of the night and is afraid of waking up her fellow tenants; she's the kind of girl who doesn't mind being woken up by someone who's only been sleeping for a few hours; Is she a girl who has food for her next meal; is she a girl who will sit silently next to a strange sad girl even if she lives in a college dorm, making her feel that the world is not alone; she is a girl who will All the girls who hide their sadness and go home to celebrate the festival and make happy phone calls to the family; she is a girl who doesn't want to cause trouble to others, and really doesn't mind being troubled by others; she is even the kind of girl who doesn't like being in the cold and will worry about every Girl with personal feelings. Such a girl used 100% of her heart to love her best friend, warmed many people, and finally learned to protect herself after repeatedly getting 60%, 30%, or even 0 returns. The best way to protect yourself is to be strong. She just doesn't have to rely on her, has a stable job, and is self-sufficient in life. At this time, she can really look at the world, the world she dances for, with that kind of plain but fiery eyes. At that time, she was finally no longer a hesitant dancer, but a guide who could choreograph dance steps.

Looking at F in the film, you will feel deja vu, you will feel pitiful, sad, touched, and distressed, each of us is Francis who is trying to jump every step well, each of us was once that clumsy girl , everyone will be the girl who finds her ultimate smile.


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Extended Reading

Frances Ha quotes

  • Frances: Tell me the story of us.

    Sophie: Again? All right, Frances. We are gonna take over the world.

    Frances: You'll be this awesomely bitchy publishing mogul.

    Sophie: And you'll be this famous modern dancer... and I'll publish a really expensive book about you.

    Frances: That d-bags we make fun of will put on their coffee tables.

    Sophie: And we'll co-own a vacation apartment in Paris.

    Frances: And we'll have lovers.

    Sophie: And no children.

    Frances: And we'll speak at college graduations.

    Sophie: And honorary degrees.

    Frances: So many honorary degrees.

  • Frances: I'm going to use this credit card I got in the mail.

    Sophie: That's not smart. That's what they want, they want to keep you in debt.

    Frances: I know that. I see documentaries.