Toney 2022-04-20 09:01:55

I have been watching since the first season, and it is already the tenth season.
Some of the characters in the show are no longer young, and some are mature.
Watching LV has become a habit. I like to see their serious research expressions and occasional humor. Humorous, I like them and they spoof the plot, I like everything about them,
when GRISSOM leaves, when WARRICK dies, when NICK is buried, I often forget that this is a TV series, more like a movie Thrilling.
I don’t know how long the series will last, but there is no lasting feast, it will always end, but before it ends, we must slowly appreciate and reminisce, and bring us moving and laughter.

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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation quotes

  • Greg Sanders: Hey Catherine, you think Sara would go to dinner with me?

    Catherine Willows: Sure, as long as you don't tell her it's a date.

  • Gil Grissom: The rich are just as depraved as the poor.