Concepcion 2022-04-19 09:02:16

These days, I have been chasing CSI LV.
LV's fifth. six. seven seasons.
Witness the love that GIL and SARA have the same calm and steady character. From the casual look in the fifth season to the last episode, in the room, GIL was talking, it is better to know the date of his death, such as knowing cancer from the doctor's mouth, so that at least he can go to the place he likes again. GIL was lying on the bed in a nightgown and talking slowly, and SARA, like a pajama with plants painted on it, came out of the bathroom leisurely, saying, at least I don't want to say goodbye yet.

By the sixth season, GIL stared at SARA from time to time and always hesitated, and then sent a branch to SARA when he took a long vacation, saying that he had been thinking about her. I'm still confused about their relationship because I'm watching Season 6 first.
But at the end of the sixth season, because GIL intimately stroked SARA's arm when investigating a murder scene, and found the jealousy of the perverted model killer, SARA was designed to be abandoned under a downed car in the desert.

At that time a suspense was left for the eighth season.
At the beginning of the eighth season, GIL, who was in a hurry, lost his usual composure for the first time and ran to track SARA's whereabouts. SARA finally escaped from the accident scene that turned into a pool by herself. After walking in the desert for a long time and finally fainting, he was found by the team members. GIL took her by the hand as she escorted her to the hospital, and she woke up. Their underground love turned to the ground. After that, GIL successfully proposed to SARA.

SARA made a 180-degree turn. After that, he changed his past personality, completely lost his usual delicate reason, and began to get bored, angry and confused. And GIL has become less like a wise man, more like a lost soul and a good temper.
In the end, SARA left GIL and left CSI.

My confusion, maybe you will put it lightly, you should know when you look at the behind-the-scenes news, that is because the actress who played SARA is unwilling to continue acting, so the plot changed. become like this.

But what I want to tell you is that I heard about this matter before watching the seventh season, but it still can't let me relax, or even more can't let me relax.
If this transformation happened to anyone other than SARA and GIL, it's possible, because they all have mortal personalities. But calm and calm like SARA and GIL... It's too puzzling.

It is said that escaping from the desert has a great impact on SARA, and it should be so. But just like SARA, who worked hard to get out of the desert and had to do 3X4 calculation problems to wake him up when he was drowsy, and who would mark the way with stones, such a strong survival, how could he? Could it be defeated so quickly?
In the end is extraordinary time or ordinary years more able to defeat a person?

Perhaps war weariness has always been a topic talked about by the USA. Maybe SARA's death directly in the desert will break the hearts of too many people. But let SARA and GIL be ruined like two frivolous mortals. . .

We all get bored with the job at hand, but, looking at CSI, I am always moved by the sense of responsibility of everyone there, their meticulousness and love for their work. Especially when they work like this, they look at dead people every day, and they are all broken limbs. But they still work so meticulously.

Maybe you want to say that this is just a movie, just something that a few screenwriters made up for money.
Perhaps, the emotion in the episodes that SARA left was the true feeling that the actress SARA felt about her job at CSI. . . .

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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation quotes

  • Greg Sanders: Hey Catherine, you think Sara would go to dinner with me?

    Catherine Willows: Sure, as long as you don't tell her it's a date.

  • Gil Grissom: The rich are just as depraved as the poor.