talk about women

Jalyn 2022-04-19 09:01:58

I still don't agree with the choice of the female student who received the Yale Law School offer to finally give up the opportunity to study and return to the family, although the purpose of the plot itself is to eliminate our prejudice against housewives.

This is like a request to stand on the commanding heights. Just like if a man chooses to return to the family instead of continuing his career, there is almost no doubt whether he will be scrutinized by the strange eyes around him or even the meaningful words from his wife. I still think that this perhaps negative scrutiny will actually have a positive impact.

It is precisely because of the secular vision that many men require them to take on the responsibility of the entire family when they become adults, and to gain a certain respect, wealth, and status in the society. This is what a normal male with a little glory should do. So they know how to fight for themselves and how to prepare for the future from an early age, and they are born knowing that they have to do something big. So they don't allow themselves to rely on others and become the little white faces (mostly) who let rich women feed

Women are not born with these teachings. Their toys are dolls. They have some so-called experience in raising children and animals since they were young, and they are never required to take responsibility for the society. The most central idea is always that women should give birth to child. However, children will not become a woman's lifelong support, because many remarks appear with the idea of ​​"children are not parents' toys, children also have their own independent personality" and so on. These remarks are also intended to make the next generation of men not Constrained by women, they have to follow their father's footsteps out of the world.

In the end, only the daughter stayed by her mother's side, and continued to play with dolls, thinking about how to be a wife and a mother in the future.

However, in contrast, most of the wealth, status, and fame that a man has earned through his lifelong efforts will be used by him throughout his life, and he will always be on the right path in his life.

Even the world and the country will only calculate the gross national economic product rather than the gross national product of future generations.

The irony is that the project of raising a human being, men have spent their whole lives dealing with people who are proficient in the knowledge of communicating with people, but they can't understand it.

All in all, I think that the secular vision should also cruelly examine those women who choose family instead of career, so as to allow more women to actively or passively choose career, so that there will be more great women who have a pivotal position in the world. This is indeed not the freedom proclaimed from a personal perspective, but it is a good way to quickly gain the so-called freedom from the perspective of the development of women as a whole.

I once read an interesting piece that answered the question "How many women do you think is normal in the ten highest benches?"

There are many answers like "four or five" and "two or three", but the answer to achieve true equality should be "ten".

Because if ten were all men we would probably take it comfortably, so should ten women. It can be seen how long we have to go to achieve this true freedom. Many of us don’t even know what the goal is, and many of us are still trapped in the shackles of ideas.

I hope that in the future, there will be enough artificial intelligence to deal with housework problems and liberate the hands of more housewives, just as they invented many machines to liberate the hands of low-level workers, so that total factor productivity can go to a new level, and women And finally got closer to a certain extent with men. It is a pity that as long as the productive capacity of women is still unique, gender will never be able to achieve complete equality. I hope that women can develop their own paths after they get more instead of blindly learning from men. The special ability acquired is a treasure, not a burden, given to us by God. It may be a superpower for men in a way, so we have to make production a blessing for us. Use it to emphasize our social status, not to be a tool for society to hold us hostage.

Whether it is disgusting one's own productive capacity or being held hostage to produce offspring, it is an act of cowardice.

Of course, the current social concept still has a long way to go in the relationship between the sexes, and women must bear the corresponding suppression in the process, but such movies have been accepted by most people, I think the future is worth looking forward to .

As far as the whole film is concerned, I probably like the woman who broke into the boys' dormitory the most. Although it's 2021, I still don't dare to do it at all. The plot may be a bit exaggerated, but I must say, you rushed into the dormitory to confess. It looks really handsome. That kiss was also beautiful. (so tired that I squeeze the little toes in the duvet)

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Mona Lisa Smile quotes

  • President Jocelyn Carr: Just a few rules. No holes in the walls. No pets. No loud noises. To radio or Hi-Fi after eight on weekdays, ten on weekends. No hotplates. And no male visitors.

    Katherine Watson: [disappointed]

    President Jocelyn Carr: Anything wrong?

    Katherine Watson: I don't think I can go a year without a hotplate.

  • Bill Dunbar: You got a boyfriend?

    Katherine Watson: Yes.

    Bill Dunbar: You know, if you were mine, I'd never let you go.

    Katherine Watson: I wouldn't have asked your permission.