good and evil

Vaughn 2022-04-20 09:01:44

I always feel like good and evil mean different things to everyone.
In that kind of desolate place, the sheriff can rule everything. After I saw the sheriff bring the girl back, I have a kind of thought that she is finished.
I like to watch it. Some bloody movies soothe myself, and I have seen a lot of such bloody movies,
but this is the second one except Lust and Caution that can really make me reminisce again.
I especially like the second half. Although after watching the rigorous film for a long time, I feel a little abrupt about how the heroine came quietly and how Stan can accurately step into the trap, but these are not important. I saw the heroine. When I laughed weirdly, there were many villains in my heart; by contrast, I didn't like the weakness and helplessness of the heroine in the first half. I don't think people can lose their senses or be taken away by others at any time. . The classmates who watched it with me laughed at me for being too aggressive and domineering.
When I saw Stan's eyes being eaten, I didn't know if it was because I was a little hungry and felt drooling, and as a result, I was laughed at again. In short, I was very happy to watch the second half
to the end. I just hope that the heroine can be like before after so many things.

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I Spit on Your Grave quotes

  • Johnny: [Johnny is working at the gas station. He hears a bell ring from a customer; the customer is a young, attractive female with her back turned. He walks towards her] Morning. Hey, there! Can I fill you up?

    [the female patron suddenly turns around with a tire iron in her hand; it's Jennifer. She strikes Johnny with the iron bar and knocks him out]

  • Johnny: Matthew here says that you didn't pay him for fixing your sink!

    Jennifer: That's not true; he ran out!


    Jennifer: I'll take care of it.

    [Jennifer retrieves her purse to get money; all of the men chuckle at her]