"Sharp Weapons" | sharp weapons have two sides, hurting others and hurting themselves

Micheal 2022-12-23 22:30:36

HBO launched the blockbuster "Big Little Lies" last year, and the director Jean-Marc Valet has been non-stop, and brought "Sharp Weapon" in early July - adapted from "Gone Lover" author Gillian Fowler Lynn 's debut novel. Amy Adams and Patricia Clarkson have two acting schools on the same stage, and Sophia Lilith, the heroine of "The Clown", joined the show, which made the show attract enough attention before it came out.

Amy has been nominated for many awards at major awards for her amazing acting skills in "Arrival" and "American Hustle", but she always rubbed shoulders with the Oscar statuette; Patricia was in last year's well-received independent film "American Hustle". Good performance in the reception. The confrontation between the two major actors, coupled with HBO 's reputation for always choosing dramas, made this suspenseful and thrilling atmospheric drama the limelight for a while.

The reporter Camille, played by Amy, is on her way home from a murder investigation. The alienation of her family, the criticism of her neighbors, and the riddles that need to be solved urgently. Will what awaits her return to the past, or is it destined to end? Waking up from nightmares countless times, when will the whirlpool of memories come to an end?

1. Unsolved cases

The story has a dark pace from the very beginning. The smell of tobacco and alcohol combined with the music is about to emerge from the screen. There is no explanation for the reason here, and all the details can only be captured by the audience. As a journalist, Camille has an energy that is different from enthusiasm, and seems indifferent to the revelation of the truth. Perhaps because the murder took place in her hometown and town, Camille was very resistant from the very beginning. However, the downplaying of the past in the opening shot made her image come out—depressed, world-weary, and exuding a pungent despair all over her body. .

The news of the return spread like wildfire, and there were no secrets in the town except for unsolved murders. Residents have different opinions on this. The head-to-head confrontation between Camille and Sheriff Vickery hit a wall for the first time, and it seemed that he did not want to speak incompetently; the father of the murdered girl had a tired face, forbearance and hysteria, and anyone could be a suspect. ; The ubiquitous new detective Wells seems to think that Camille is the crux of the case, and will he help or hinder him? Even though he resisted the investigation of returning home, Camille still upholds professional literacy step by step.

Flashbacks of memory are pervasive, interspersed seemingly randomly in forests, rooms, and even familiar and unfamiliar street corners. The overflowing warm water in the bathtub is a wet lair. The seemingly calm lake surface has turned into a murderous field. The director hints that the return journey is not safe through such switches. Camille's pain is a hidden footnote. When will the identity of the murderer be revealed?

2. Curse

Compared with the perilous situation, the plot is fueled by a more nuanced narrative technique, the gasp is like a silent scream, and the weight on Camille is heavier than despair. This is a cursed town. The girls in the town are "sick", and they say "the whole town is dead" in front of the camera. They are all willing to be the prey in the eyes of the killer and fall into the preset trap. Murder is just a joke to them. Murder is not a threat here, it is an opportunity to escape from life.

This is a cursed family, and Camille's decadence is out of tune with the refined retro layout of the room. She is the unexpected guest, alone with her hysterical mother, her stepfather who is out of the way, and her duplicitous sister. Mother Odora is sometimes indifferent, sometimes concerned, and has a strong desire to control, thinking that fame in the small town is above everything else. Camille's secret has a deep connection with her. She misses her deceased sister Marianne all the time. Why did she die and why did she live?

This is a cursed life, and Camille has never let himself go. Living in despair is a kind of endless delay. The camera swayed back and forth, lit cigarettes, drank a few glasses of spirits, and put on rock and roll to make the mind drift away. The coherent movements, the shadows that appear and disappear from time to time, the unbridled background music, and she fell asleep in the car in no time, which seemed to her to be a normal state and a reincarnation.

3. Puzzles

In a small town, face seems to be more important than everything else. The sheriff refused to reveal the slightest clues in the investigation. The town's rumors about Camille's return made her mother, Odora, on the verge of collapse. Sister Emma maintains a superficial intimacy with Camille, and the nostalgia spitting out of her mouth is more like irony. Will she repeat the mistakes of Marianne?

The past is branded into the body and carved into Vanish: my sister disappeared out of thin air, and at the same time I hoped that she would disappear too. In fact, something has disappeared forever since the day it happened. Despair is not weakness, can Camille really escape, will she be the hunter of slaughtering wolves, or the prey who lost her life?

Audiences who are familiar with the director know that his shots are always full of mystery and decisiveness. Mysteries follow one after another in "Sharp Tool", and the perspective of being outside the matter always makes people feel that the answer is clearly in front of them, but there are scattered clues, and none of them can be missed. It is also a TV series produced by HBO. In the first season of "True Detective", it used the background of religious sacrifice and the eerie music to whet the appetite of the audience. The afterimages of young girls, messy crime scenes, logical orgasms, wooden houses full of pornographic images and furs of wild animals in "Sharp Tool" create an equally cramped and tense atmosphere all the time.

Sharp weapons have two sides, hurting others and hurting themselves. With the deepening of the investigation, the mystery needs to be solved urgently. Facing Camille's pain may seem unbearable to a bystander, but where does the irrepressible curiosity lead us? In the pilot trailer, the dark clue is that the body of Natalie, the missing girl at the end of the first season, was placed on the first floor windowsill in a sitting position, like a demonstration. The frightened old man muttered something in his mouth, and the sheriff who came over pulled Natalie's drooping hair back with his hands. Camille couldn't move for a long time, because what she hoped to happen will continue to happen.

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