Ha ha

Wava 2022-04-21 09:02:20

Why are you watching Bridget Jones? What did i tell you? It feels good in the moment. I know but it's a bad idea. You get yourself all hopped up on Sex and the City and BJ and thinking that you need to have some big single experience, which, by the way, is total bullshit. No. All those girls ever did was looking for boyfriends. And this is great thing because now you can focus on your career.

What? No! I put myself out, into the world and it completely rejected me.

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How to Be Single quotes

  • Alice: I'm so obsessed with the idea of being in love that I just, it's like, I completely lose myself. Like, I forget what I want and I just disappear. I'm like the horse in 'The Neverending Story'.

  • Josh: I didn't need an experiment to know that I loved you. And I'm not an idiot.

    Josh: You're, I guess, done with whatever you've been doing, with whoever you've been doing, and you can come running back to me? No, thanks. I'll pass.