Perfection must be beautiful, but perfectionism is actually not a good thing in reality

Kacie 2021-12-18 08:01:15

I just fell in love and wanted to find some positive energy. Looking at everyone's classification, I was inspired, and I didn't hesitate to get down. What I feel most deeply is that Adam’s perfectionism can tolerate imperfection. The Michelin reviewer’s order must be done by himself and finally believe in everyone’s strength. What is usually the change of mindset. some one told you when you were very small that you were good and the world was good and everything will naturally be good. and then the serpent served you a bad apple ,and for all your bullshit, you can't take bad,not in a souffle ,not in an apple and crucially, not in a person. The psychological counselor’s remarks made me feel very deeply. I am also perfectionism. Sometimes I even think it’s not a bad thing, but personal experience tells me Perfectionism is not a good thing, because there is really no perfection in real life, everything has its flaw. Like adam, if one thing is a little bit unsatisfactory or imperfect, perfectionism will want to give up This whole thing is like planning to get up for a run at 7 o'clock the next morning, eat breakfast, go to the library to read books, watch movies in the evening, and then find out that it is 11 o'clock the next day. At this time, perfectionism will feel At this time, I feel that the whole plan has been disrupted, so I just spend the whole day lazily at home. More serious, it’s like the counselor said, can’t take bad in a person, Regardless of whether it is to family members or friends, the other party may not behave a bit badly, and may not show it, but it may really be annoying to the other party. No one is perfect, and nothing is perfect. Adhering to perfectionism will only make yourself miserable and mess up everything. I feel that michel shouldn’t be determined to retaliate against Adam from the beginning. I think the key thing is that Adam’s attitude at the time is what caused michel to break out. It really is that I am the most powerful, and I don’t have any trust in the people around me. , This attitude at the time ignited michel's anger before putting Adam together. Adam's perfectionism and trust issue really made him suffer a lot. In the end, he began to renounce himself, and then he thought a little, gave up some perfectionism, and began to trust others, which was good. But in real life, not everyone is as handsome as Adam, and has a great talent for cooking. If he disappears for 3 years, everyone will accept him. In real life, once you fucked up, you can never put the genie back in the bottle, and you can hardly find the one that could accept it and embrace you again. I just post it casually

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.