It's not a movie about summoning monsters to punish bullies

Santos 2022-12-18 13:55:14

The tone of the movie is cold, and since I saw the kid being bullied by his classmates, I was guessing that there would be a big man to help him! It turned out to be true. . . The treemen are just telling stories! ! ! It's completely beyond my expectations, but the story of the first prince who killed his lover just for the throne told by the tree people is still very good, and the rest are mediocre.

I think the tree man is just a catalyst for the boy's own fantasy to force himself to recognize the reality. At the end, the boy flips through the picture album left to him by his mother. Movies are healing

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A Monster Calls quotes

  • The Monster: Many things that are true feel like a cheat

  • Dad: Most of us just get messily ever after