evil or good

Ena 2022-12-26 00:15:15

I remember when I was a child, I was very afraid of my parents. Whenever the screeching horns of big trucks sounded from the main road, I would often run to the street to watch, for fear that they had some kind of traffic accident. So, sometimes I think it would be nice if they were gone so I wouldn't have to worry about it. So, when the little boy in the film said that he was letting go, I was instantly defeated. Unexpectedly, the little evil in my heart was pierced by a film like this. Perhaps because of this, because I have thought about life and death many times, when a relative parted, there was a period of time when I was extremely indifferent. I remember the day my grandfather died, when everyone in the family was crying, I was the only one who was completely indifferent. But many days later, one night, I suddenly cried, and cried for a long, long time by myself. I gradually discovered that I am a person who likes to hide myself. So a lot of people feel that I often can't let go, never let myself get drunk, and never dare to say what I want out loud. I am afraid, afraid that others will see the evil in my heart. But am I not real? Not kind? not necessarily. Actually I don't even know myself. As the first story in the film tells, there are no absolute good people and bad people. Good people will become bad, and bad people have good sides. Is the person you are facing at this moment good or bad? Who knows?

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A Monster Calls quotes

  • [first lines]

    Conor: [having a nightmare] Mama! Mama!

    Conor: [waking] How does the story begin?

    The Monster: It begins like so many stories. With a boy, too old to be a kid. Too young to be a man. And a nightmare.

  • The Monster: [telling a story] "You may have the yew tree," said the parson. "I will preach sermons in your favor. I will do anything if it would only save my daughters."

    The Monster: "Would you give up everything you believed in?" said the apothecary.

    The Monster: [as the Parson] "If it would save them, I would give up everything."

    The Monster: [as the Apothecary] "Then there is nothing I can do to help you."