"Penguins of Madagascar": Stick to 5% of the faith and be a different penguin

Jalyn 2022-04-22 07:01:32

The four penguins who came out of the "Madagascar" series, with their amazing wisdom and skills, as well as their cleverness and cuteness, allowed these guys to have their own independent three-season animated series, and then walked in as the protagonists. big screen. Some people think that this is cooking cold rice and can't break through the joke. At the same time, some people are looking forward to seeing a real penguin movie on the big screen, just because they like it.

The movie is still cute + nonsensical humor, plus the play against the new characters, through various scene changes, to achieve the hilarious effect of the movie. The beginning of the film is the same as the previously exposed clips, the first exposure of the penguin's "fuzzy era", and there are a few more models in the cute animal world. At that time, the color of the fur was still gray, and the fur was not as clean as it is today, but their hearts had to give themselves a definition long ago: Be a different penguin, and let other penguins shoot documentaries. Since then, these four things have gone to the road of big coffee.

The film undertakes "Madagascar 3" and is divided into several parts: Fort Knox, Venice, North Wind Bureau, Shanghai, and New York. The Penguin Gang first fought with the North Wind Bureau, and then fought with Dr. Octopus, trying to save the penguin family from trouble. Through the comparison between the penguin gang's snake-like disease-like way of doing things and the North Wind Bureau (in fact, this team is not very serious, at best, it has a funny heart wrapped in formal clothes.), all kinds of silly jokes are produced. In a word, the plot development of this movie is "playing cards out of common sense"! For spoofs, DreamWorks Animation has never missed a beat. Whether it is a direct animation or a collateral animation, the audience can always find cute points from the jokes.

The emotional standpoint of "Penguins of Madagascar" is the friendship between the Penguin gang and the discussion of the relationship between external appearance and ability. The sentence "It doesn't matter how you look, what matters is what you do in the process." It directly points out the film subject. However, this kind of comprehension seems very weak in the comparison of waves of nonsensical jokes. The inspirational growth path has not been well demonstrated, and it is difficult to deeply understand the brotherhood from several events.

Overall, the film is highly entertaining and lacks artistry. The hilarious and cute atmosphere is done very much, and it is a very happy and lively popcorn animation movie. However, there is not much that the film itself can convey to the audience, and the depth of thought that can resonate with the audience's heart is not enough, and it feels a bit stopped there. Is it really enough to just laugh for 90 minutes and eat a few buckets of popcorn to sit in a movie theater?

Going back to the first question, I don't think it's enough to say "fried cold rice". After all, every character that is favored by the audience must have something to explore, but the director did not find a breakthrough in this derivative animation. , It's a pity to lift the Penguin Gang to a new level. Is the movie good? Well, the movie is still good, it just doesn't live up to the heights we expected it to be.

"What is 95% certain is that we are still doomed; the remaining 5% are adventures and glory that the penguins have never seen." The Penguins did it, what about us?

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Penguins of Madagascar quotes

  • Classified: What is that?

    [they see numerous painful weapons as they are going to be killed on the ride]

    Classified: Oh, great.

    Short Fuse: Oh, no! This it it!

    Corporal: I don't wanna die, I'm squishy!

    [before they are killed by one of the weapons, the ride stops and goes reverse to see Private knocked out the squid controlling the ride]


    Private: [to the North Wind team] I pushed a button!

  • Dave: [holding a microphone] I'M HAPPY! And yet...

    [realizes his revenge succeeded]

    Dave: Now, that I have my revenge, I feel... empty. As if, what I needed all along was... MORE REVENGE! In fact, Robin, write this down. Tomorrow, we move on: Kittens, then Puppies, Bunnies, Pandas...

    [he sees the Penguins' using his ray, gasping, then is angry]

    Dave: [talking to his minions on the microphone] Charlize, they're on the ray!

    [he runs and rips off his human disguise]

    Dave: Helen, hunt them down! William, hurt them! Halle, bury them! Hugh! Jack! Man the battle stations! Kevin! Bake on! We're still going to need that victory cake!