Why do they make movies?

Alana 2022-04-21 09:02:22

After watching .

I watched this movie in a very relaxed situation.

In the summer, I stayed in the dormitory in the afternoon and the air-conditioning was fully turned on. While watching, I peeled the lychee that I just took out of the refrigerator, and then I swallowed it without hesitation and spit out a seed. After eating the lychee, my mouth became greedy again. The movie complements each other perfectly, but without any hesitation, I opened a large bag of potato chips and chewed it to the beat of the soundtrack. It was also considered to complement each other. It

did n’t make people laugh, but after watching the movie, I felt very relaxed and happy.
Air-conditioned snacks After reading it, I feel in a good mood Solid Brotherhood Why did

they make movies?

If a movie can make the audience laugh several times in more than an hour, because this movie can maintain a beautiful mood for several days, why should we care about it? There is no philosophical harvest, no emotional resonance, no rational thinking? If you always watch those esoteric and thought-provoking movies, will your heart be too heavy? What’s more, if you prefer that kind of genre, you shouldn’t click to watch it, so I say “after laughing, forgetting and leaving no thoughts” for this reason Is it too harsh to criticize him? Think about it another way, maybe they made the movie just to make you laugh XD

but from the point of view of the movie itself, there is actually a little bit of disappointment. Penguin is a supporting role in Madagascar. I’m still looking forward to finally being able to turn this time around. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with this traditional model, but I think it can actually be better. I think the process of reversal can be a little more surprising, but unfortunately, there is no team spirit and brotherhood. It's a bit blunt when they take things in the NW base and blow up the plane, I'm even a little annoyed when I turn into a monster and swallow the cat even though I spit it

out . It's not the most important thing is what you did" I also feel too blunt
If the octopuses didn't turn the penguins into ugly and brutal monsters but changed their appearance and personality, and they were still docile, would the citizens of New York still be so shy?
Suddenly a little bit expecting the plot to develop like this

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Penguins of Madagascar quotes

  • Classified: What is that?

    [they see numerous painful weapons as they are going to be killed on the ride]

    Classified: Oh, great.

    Short Fuse: Oh, no! This it it!

    Corporal: I don't wanna die, I'm squishy!

    [before they are killed by one of the weapons, the ride stops and goes reverse to see Private knocked out the squid controlling the ride]


    Private: [to the North Wind team] I pushed a button!

  • Dave: [holding a microphone] I'M HAPPY! And yet...

    [realizes his revenge succeeded]

    Dave: Now, that I have my revenge, I feel... empty. As if, what I needed all along was... MORE REVENGE! In fact, Robin, write this down. Tomorrow, we move on: Kittens, then Puppies, Bunnies, Pandas...

    [he sees the Penguins' using his ray, gasping, then is angry]

    Dave: [talking to his minions on the microphone] Charlize, they're on the ray!

    [he runs and rips off his human disguise]

    Dave: Helen, hunt them down! William, hurt them! Halle, bury them! Hugh! Jack! Man the battle stations! Kevin! Bake on! We're still going to need that victory cake!