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Catharine 2022-09-08 13:39:36

IMDB Rating 7.4/10 from 5,677 users One-

Sentence Review

Michelle Williams is perfect, dazzling, and the most perfect interpretation of this era icon.
--Vanity Fair

Williams and Redmayne's performances are very charismatic.
——There is still a gap between The Hollywood Reporter

and "The King's Speech", but Williams' performance is remarkable. ——Behind-the- scenes production of
variety shows Simon Curtis: Restoring a real, flesh-and-blood Monroe Director Simon Curtis is a senior in the television industry and stage play, but he is still a newcomer in the film industry, and this film is him "I've actually had a lot of opportunities to make movies, but it's a great honor to have this film that they call a passion film as my film debut, because it's not something I do on a whim or on a whim," he said. I've always dreamed of making this movie." Curtis said Marilyn Monroe has long been seen more as a sex goddess, a period icon than an actress. Everyone collects her posters far more than they have seen her movies. He made the film based on Colin Clark's two memoirs, The Prince, the Showgirl, and Me: Six Months on the Set With Marilyn and Olivier and My Week with Monroe. He said, "I couldn't believe my eyes when the 'My Week with Monroe' memoir came out because Colin did spend that week with Monroe at the height of his career. And I could get Film rights are also extremely lucky. As far as I know, at least three major directors have expressed interest in making the film."

Curtis and producer David Parfitt decided to combine elements from the two books into a screenplay. David explained, “The first book gave people an interesting perspective on the making of The Dragon and the Phoenix, but it was the film industry at the time that attracted people more. The revelation of Marilyn Monroe's real life. What's more, this is not a biopic, but a window through which to see her life, the films she made, and the Her relationship with Colin Clark at an important stage in her life.”

Curtis approached Adrian Hodges, who had worked with him on the film David Copperfield, to write the script. However, Hodges is not optimistic about the film. He said that everything about Monroe has been excavated. Her posters and stills can be seen everywhere, and her unfortunate marriage and untimely death have long been gossiped in the community. . But when Hodges read Clark's two memoirs, he changed his mind immediately, "I think these two memoirs can give people a glimpse of a real Monroe, who is the panicked, insecure, wanton woman that people think she is. The frantic Monroe is also a sensitive, fragile, sweet and lovely little girl. This film can make her more vivid and flesh-and-blood." But the question also arises, where should the script start? Thankfully, Clark's two memoirs focus on Monroe's story over a period of time, so he was able to avoid some of the clichés and misinterpretations of her associated with her. Hodges said, "So my script is about a 30-year-old woman at a crossroads in her life who can still be very close to people in real life, and she's not a falling star. It's all about her making all the difference. What happened before it was irreversible. I think public opinion should be more lenient towards her. The movie does not promote some of her behaviors, nor does it give her an exemption card, but I think she was also a complete person, not a certain person. an object."

Michelle Williams: Monroe as a friend without her idol's cloak

In August 2009, Scarlett Johansson, Kate Hudson, Amy Adams and Michelle Williams were rumored to play a generation of sexy actress Marilyn Monroe, among them, Scarlett's Loudest. However, three months later, Michelle Williams came out on top and got the role, and she was the only actor who was interviewed by the producers during the audition. Williams said the idea of ​​playing Monroe made her very anxious and intimidated, but when she read the script, it became clear she wanted the role. She spent more than half a year reading various autobiographies, diaries, letters, poems, and annotations about and from Monroe. She also watched a ton of photos, movies, and soundtracks. After learning more about Monroe, she asked a choreographer to teach her how to walk. She said, "When I was a child, there was a poster of Monroe in my room, but I was actually more interested in her behind the screen, the unguarded and fully armed Monroe. Therefore, I was not confident in playing Monroe from the very beginning, After I learned about Monroe later, I chose to ignore her side as a popular idol, and try to show her as an ordinary person, more like a friend than an idol."

Director Simon Curtis has always insisted that Williams, who was the perfect candidate to play Monroe, said, "It's not a long list of actors to play Monroe and Oliver. They have to be similar in age, look, and very similar. Excellent." He said that he has always admired Williams' performance and considered her to be the best actress of her generation. "Her performance in "Brokeback Mountain" and "Blue Valentine" was very good, and she also Right at Monroe's age. I'm surprised she's interested in the role. She's a very hard-working actress, and being able to take on this role shows her courage."

Eddie Redmayne: male version of Cinderella

Like Colin Clark, the film's character, Eddie also attended Eton, and he has those innate qualities - innocent and innocent in appearance, but emotionally mature and measured. Eddie said that what attracted him to the script was that it was a male version of "Cinderella", an ordinary boy who actually had a close connection with the goddess of his dreams, albeit only for a moment of joy. He said, "I have been fascinated by that era since I was a child, and in that context, you will find the magic of the film industry." Eddie said that Clark's role is actually very complex, "Even though he comes from a noble family, he But he has something different. He studied at Eton, but he didn't hunt, play guns, fish like his friends, his father was an art historian, and at that time, no one knew about history What is home for. He used to be a zookeeper for half a year, just because he wanted to be. His family background is very prominent, and stars like Oliver will go to his parents' estate for afternoon tea


" It took seven years from the earliest creative discussions to the final release.

·The film officially started shooting in London on October 9, 2010, and the shooting cycle is about seven weeks. Williams's look is based on the look in Marilyn's movie "The Dragon and the Phoenix". Except for the urban area of ​​London and its surroundings, most of the scenes in the film were shot in the studio of the Pinewood studio, which was at that time. In the studio where "You Dragon and Phoenix" was filmed, the dressing room used by Williams was also Monroe's dressing room at that time.

British actress Emma Watson plays Lucy, Monroe's costume assistant, her first film role after the end of the "Harry Potter" series.

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.