Nat King Cole's "Autumn leaves" sounds great

Barrett 2022-09-29 14:58:39

In the movie, Monroe and Colin are in the sunshine and the forest. Monroe runs like a child. In the movie, Monroe is crying and desperate on the stairs. I am thinking that this woman is either a Pisces or a Gemini, just like a neuropathy. Sure enough, twin Monroes. Maybe just a coincidence.

Is this the first movie Michelle has ever seen? Her acting skills are so good, I always feel that Monroe is too far away, but she acts vividly, and it feels like she is really Monroe.

Monroe is beautiful, sexy, coquettish, smart, and innocent. I would like to believe that she is a kind woman, a talented woman, a smart woman, but not a calculating woman.

Monroe in the movie said: People love Marilyn Monroe, but once they found out that I was not her, they all ran away. Everyone has many faces and a fascinating side. I would like to believe that the images packaged by the stars are beautiful, but they are just like everyone in the audience. They are not only positive, sunny, heavy makeup, and tears. Weeping and loss. ..and sometimes, we think you should be like this, you should be beautiful like that, without those flaws, how is this possible, I'm not a goddess, I just want to be loved like an ordinary girl . We are also always envious of others, others have and we do not have. But if you get it, will it be as beautiful as you imagined? With this expectation and doubt, many people will work hard to get it.

I was thinking very pervertedly, when Monroe died very young, she gave the most beautiful time to the world, in fact, I don't want to see Monroe's white hair, sagging breasts, wrinkled face, those looks,,, ,,,,

It's because she left so early that she will have fantasies, will always be remembered, and will be so mysterious. There are a few Monroes in the world, that's enough.

Nat King Cole's "Autumn leaves" is very good~

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.