Weiquan milk powder movie review

Paris 2022-11-25 06:47:41

Weiquan milk powder film critic Michelle Williams conquered me. I have to say, she's really not pretty enough, but I don't know why, when she played Monroe, she could really be "like a dream"! That smile with the corners of her lips bent, her words with a flat tongue and a tail, and those heartless eyes that seem to be staring at you affectionately at all times, she can interpret them meticulously and neatly, except for those few words The unpleasant forehead lines occasionally make you play, just like a Monroe! So not long after Michelle appeared, I couldn't take my eyes off her, she always seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious halo, and wherever she went, other beauties overshadowed. Even if Emma Watson, who is said to have given birth to "the most perfect face in the world", is there, but Monroe is here, she is here, just say hi, no one will say hello again look at other women.
"My Week with Monroe" is not a "perfect movie", it's not even a unique movie, it's a movie that makes it clear that you want to watch people and not read the story, that is, Monroe is flying all over the place, in the picture Without her, he would be lifeless, with her, he would be alive. Besides, for Monroe's lack and stupidity, I believe that Michelle has done the most explicit interpretation. When Monroe's red lips spit out, the situation is completely different. Those stupid words are like angels with wings, scratching your soul to the point of itching.
I like the scenes in this film where Monroe can't act, lacks self-confidence, and is always nervous like a child. I remember it was also written in her biography that when she was filming "Gentlemen Love Blondes", she shut herself up I can't come out in the dressing room, because I'm afraid I can't read my lines well. At that time, I never understood why she was so nervous. She was all over the country. Just showing her teeth and shrugging her shoulders would cause the whole world to scream. What made her so frightened? "My Week with Monroe" gave me the answer when she confided to Colin Clark that she was terrified of becoming the director's great actor Lawrence Oliver, and that she was ashamed in front of the professionals; she may not know, in fact Lawrence is also afraid of her, because she does not need to perform to achieve "all the attention"; she doesn't know yet, "Gone with the Wind" Vivien Leigh is also afraid of her, because Vivien Leigh is old, and Monroe's face is still as delicate as a Baby, she was afraid that she would lose Oliver, and in fact she did, but before that, the only thing she could do was be afraid. When a simple-minded woman makes everyone around her fearful, how can she not be nervous? And the innocence revealed in the tension is precisely the portrayal of her peerless elegance.
So after seeing the film, I was a little stunned, completely forgetting that it was performed by Michelle, thinking that it was the revived Monroe, trying very hard for everyone to accept the real self, but it always backfired. So she wants to regain her confidence in those who don't know her. She knows that in Colin's eyes, she is beautiful no matter how she takes drugs, alcohol, miscarriage, and tears. He will not dislike it. There are many young people she is fascinated by, and she picks one at random, just like walking into the drugstore and grabbing a bottle of aspirin, which can cure her migraine. As for what will happen later, that is not her consideration. Within the scope, because she is living in the moment like a fake. When the movie was promoted, and even when the novel "My Week with Monroe" was published, there were advertisements for "returning to the real Monroe in life". In fact, it was still exaggerated. The Monroe on the screen was still the same, beautiful. It is impossible to square things, no matter how close she is, everyone is like watching a dream; but the outline of Vivien Leigh is cautious and wonderful. Livre leaves her to make final preparations mentally.
So, I can only say that Monroe is still the same Monroe, and every move and every move will be fixed on the photo for the sake of immortality. Because of her "Allure", the movie also became "Allure".

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.