Monroe Template

Brionna 2022-10-13 14:46:12

Is Michelle Williams doing a good job? Well, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to get the Oscar nomination for Best Actress.

So does it look like Monroe? They don't look alike. Although I have seen pictures of Monroe, I tried my best to look like them, but they don't look alike.

Does it look like it?

This question should be looked at from a different angle. I thought about it for a long time and thought that the problem should be like this. First of all, put aside the difference of Monroe in everyone's heart. There are a thousand Monroes in a thousand people. In addition, Monroe should be a sexy stunner, whether it is a well-known sexy stunner on the front or a stunner behind the scenes. The Monroe that so many people know, the Monroe behind the mask that everyone is accustomed to, is still sexy, blurred, and even neurotic, the kind that can make you numb inadvertently.

What is this thing? Some people say it's called temperament, some people say it's called aura, I think these two words are not quite right, and after thinking about it all night, I can't think of a suitable word. And this thing, our heroine did not perform. Of course, this is not to say that she is not good at acting, it is not a question of ability, just like you can't ask a person to play a bird - it can't fly.

And Michelle Williams has successfully played such a role, an actor who may appear in any era. Most of them are similar to Monroe. They have infinite scenery in front of the stage, and all living beings are fascinated by it. , behind them they have different faces than those in front of the stage. They want to refuse and welcome them. They enjoy men, glory, and pursuit by virtue of their talents, and everyone knows that they are not as bright as they are on the screen. Or innocent and pure, but always can't help approaching her, forgive her, and chase her. All eras have actresses like this, and Williams does such a great job. Even if the director's brilliance in small details is delayed by the director's own incompetence in many places, it still does not damage the amazing performance given by the heroine.

She may not have played Monroe well, but she played the standard Monroe template that people have in their own Monroe dreams.

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.