Lend your sugar cube and give you my heart

Mortimer 2022-11-11 06:33:59

I borrowed your sugar cube, you stole my heart.

Love doesn't mean you like me, I have to like you.

To be together, not only need to attract each other, but also need to be able to protect each other

without risk.

I'll take your sugar cube, and you must keep my hairpin too.

You too must smile when you see the bobby pins as I drink the sweet bisque made of sugar cubes.

Maybe, one day in the future, I will marry the little savage who picked mulberries for me, and

I will be just as brave and full of strength.

I will never forget the light, warmth, and appreciation you gave me.

I am a borrowed girl, and you are my eternal castle boy.

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Extended Reading

The Secret World of Arrietty quotes

  • Arietty: I have to go. When is your operation?

    Shô: The day after tomorrow. I'm going to be okay. You gave me the courage to live.

    Arietty: [Unclipping the pin from her hair & giving it to Shawn] For luck.

    Shô: Thanks.

    Arietty: [Now crying] You protected me after all.

    Shô: Arrietty...

    Arietty: I hope you have the best life ever. Goodbye.

    Shô: Arrietty, you're a part of me now. I'll never forget you, ever.

  • [last lines]

    [North American version]

    Shawn: I never saw her again. But the following summer I returned and was happy to hear the people in the house down the road talking about how many things in their home had gone missing.