What are the differences between Chinese and American education reflected in "Booming Heart"?

Clementine 2022-04-22 07:01:31

The educational method in "Heartbeat" - equality. This word is very broad, but in detail, it means that parents treat their children as equal individuals, rather than their own appendages. Chinese parents always have a problem, that is, they treat their children as their accessories and want to control their children's growth process and emotions. In their eyes, they should study at the age they should be studying, and they should not fall in love early. Chinese parents regard puppy love as a beast, and want to cut off their children's emotions abruptly. This is a very absurd idea. And Juli's father regards Juli as an individual equal to himself, allowing Juli to have adult-like love between men and women. He didn't say much, just told Juli to judge for himself if Bryce was the right one.

It's a moving approach to education, where parents treat their children as adults, teach them how, and hold them accountable for their actions. Instead of being like Chinese parents, they always help their children make decisions and help their children clean up after they get into trouble. It is difficult for children growing up in such an educational environment to learn to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own decisions.

Chinese parents control the valve of their children's love between men and women, which can only be opened at a specified time. This leads to a buildup of emotions in the children, which spews out after the valve is opened. Moreover, they were absent when it was time to communicate with the opposite sex and learn how to communicate, and they lacked the experience of comprehending the rules of the relationship between men and women, and could only make up for it from some how to do books.

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