The conflict between agnosticism and pragmatic rationality

Chandler 2022-04-22 07:01:27

Facts have proved that Tarkovsky is indeed the top three of the world's greatest directors, I am afraid that the first will be scolded. So far, I have watched 4 of his works, and each of them is full of admiration. Next, I will talk about my understanding of flying into space.

First of all, this movie satirizes anthropocentrism. To put it bluntly, we cannot truly understand the world. To acquire knowledge is to make the truth more deceived, because knowledge is only based on human innate intuition and transcendental logic. It is extracted from the logical reason and functional experience of human beings, and everything is based on human beings. However, human beings are not the scale of all things, the center of the universe, so can we really understand the universe? The answer given by the movie is no.

On the space station, the protagonist said that if he returned to the earth, he would not give himself to humans again, because the vast universe is too big, and the big ones are beyond the understanding of human beings who want to push themselves to the edge of the universe Now, we are conquering the world with our pragmatic rationality, but is it really useful, or is it all just futile.

There are always too many people in academia who say when explaining the first sentence of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, "Tao can be said, very Tao, and whether very Tao can't be said or can't be understood. There is a saying in Tao Te Ching, which is absolutely inexcusable, which is obviously similar to his advocacy. If a small country has few people and the people do not communicate with each other until they grow old and die, naturally he does not recommend human beings to learn knowledge. As explained in the 13th hexagram of the Book of Changes, once a person is enlightened, he will suffer unbearably. One is because There is doubt about the world, and the other is the need, that is, desire. Once a person is enslaved by desire, he will enter the maze in his life and it is difficult to escape. It is precisely because of this that the 14th hexagram of the Book of Changes is deeply and deeply Necessary hexagrams are discussed.

Although the director of the film expressed the metaphysical and intangible characteristics of the mystery of life and the truth of the universe, he did not completely despair. We cannot conquer the universe and understand the world, but we can live by love, sensibility, and ethics. The meaning of life may not be the pursuit of illusory truth, but the pursuit of the meaning of love. For his recurring wife, the protagonist psychologist slowly accepts this supernatural phenomenon, and gradually understands the world near Solaris. In the space station, he makes up for his love for his wife and makes up for his guilt for not caring enough about his wife. This allows psychologists to obtain a higher level of life value than the pursuit of scientific truth. This love is so pure and beautiful. Maybe the wife is not a human being, but a creature derived from the radiation of the mind by the ocean, but she loves deeply With her husband, and gradually become more and more like a human being, perhaps, at this moment, human beings will dedicate a kind of love to human beings and the earth to this kind of human-like and non-human creatures.

The film vaguely proposes post-humanism thinking, that is, how should we deal with the current media society with distorted information, and how to deal with this seemingly but simulacrum world. If one day, when knowledge no longer works, when life cannot be defined, when language cannot express, what should we do? Maybe love is not omnipotent, but love is the only thing we deserve The meaning of retaining and fighting for it.

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Solaris quotes

  • Dr. Snaut: Don't tell me you haven't tried a rope or a hammer. Did you happen to throw the inkwell like Luther? No?

  • Kris Kelvin: What was that?

    Dr. Snaut: I don't know. Then again, we've managed to determine a few things. Who was it?

    Kris Kelvin: She died 10 years ago.

    Dr. Snaut: What you saw was the materialization of your conception of her. What was her name?

    Kris Kelvin: Hari.

    Dr. Snaut: Everything began after we started experimenting with radiation. Wehit the Ocean's surface with strong X-ray beams. But it - incidentally, consider yourself lucky. After all, she's part of your past. What if it had been something you had never seen before, but something you had thought or imagined?

    Kris Kelvin: I don't understand.

    Dr. Snaut: Evidently the Ocean responded to our heavy radiation with something else. It probed our minds and extracted something like islands of memory.