go back to earth

Milton 2022-04-22 07:01:27

Soviet films tend to be somewhat obscure, especially sci-fi films, but that doesn't make it a profound film. The last time I felt this way was 2001: A Space Odyssey. About people and the universe, about memory and reality, about death, about love, to what extent do we love the real person, or the projection of the person in our hearts on them? Perhaps as the movie said, "the happiest The people who are not interested in these nasty questions, thinking about it is the equivalent of looking for the date of death, not knowing that that day actually makes us immortal." Maybe I should go back to Earth too...

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Solaris quotes

  • Dr. Snaut: Don't tell me you haven't tried a rope or a hammer. Did you happen to throw the inkwell like Luther? No?

  • Kris Kelvin: What was that?

    Dr. Snaut: I don't know. Then again, we've managed to determine a few things. Who was it?

    Kris Kelvin: She died 10 years ago.

    Dr. Snaut: What you saw was the materialization of your conception of her. What was her name?

    Kris Kelvin: Hari.

    Dr. Snaut: Everything began after we started experimenting with radiation. Wehit the Ocean's surface with strong X-ray beams. But it - incidentally, consider yourself lucky. After all, she's part of your past. What if it had been something you had never seen before, but something you had thought or imagined?

    Kris Kelvin: I don't understand.

    Dr. Snaut: Evidently the Ocean responded to our heavy radiation with something else. It probed our minds and extracted something like islands of memory.