peaceful mind

Cara 2022-04-24 07:01:07

When people drive the advanced vehicle past him, what arise in his mind? At my age, I am in a hurry, I don't know why. Years ago, I think I can recognize the inelegant life of hasty, however when I grow old and take some responsibility, I lose the calmness and peaceful mind.

There are 7 part in the film

1.A girl runaway from home. -- a story about his daughter Rose. People thought she is incapable to look after her children.

2 . Young bicycle boys.
--must be something good about getting old.
--Well, I can't imagine anything good about being blind and lame at the same time, but still at my age, I have seen about all that life has to dish out . I know to separate the wheat from the chaff and let the small stuff fall away.
-- what's the worst part of being old, Alvin?
-- the worst part of being old is remembering when you was young.

3. A lady knock into a deer. A lady with restless impatient and nervous heart. She is like me. The most interesting thing is that he should eat it, the dead deer. When he set out, the antler was stuck on the trailing box. That moment is so interesting.

4.When he drive downhill, the brake broken. Some unexpected but inevitable things happened in life. unexpected warmness show up.

5.-- Everyone trying to forget. I can see it in a man right away.
He remember his comrade in arms. Guilty accompany him all these years.

6.There is one scene, where he is close to his brother, the music played by cello fade in and approach climax when his vehicle got stuck. The throbbed emotion delivered silently and naturally.

7.When he finally reach his brother Lyle, there are few words between them. To the film, the story mainly happened on the road. To the life, everything is on the road. Why so hurry, slow down and cherish the people around us.


"One Hundred Years Old Testimonials" Yang Jiang

I am 100 years old this year, and I have reached the edge of my life. I can't be sure how far I can go. Life is involuntary, but I know very well that I am "coming home" soon.

I have to wash away the filth that has been tainted for a hundred years and go home. I don't have the feeling of "climbing Mount Tai and making a small world", I only live a peaceful life in my own small world. Thinking about this, my mind is as calm as water, I should welcome each day peacefully and prepare to go home.

In this materialistic world, life is really hard enough. You deliberately want to be an honest person who does not compete with the world, and people will use you to bully you. If you have a little talent and character, people will envy you and exclude you. If you give in generously, others will violate you and damage you. If you don't want to compete with others, you have to be free from the world, and at the same time maintain your strength and prepare for the struggle. If you want to live peacefully with others, you have to deal with them first, and you have to be prepared to suffer at any time.

Teenagers are playful, young people are addicted to love, adults are eager to become famous and start a family, and old age is content with self-deception.

What is the life expectancy, how much pure gold can be made from stubborn iron? However, different degrees of exercise must have different degrees of achievements; different degrees of indulgence will accumulate different degrees of mischief.

God will not let all happiness be concentrated on one person. If you get love, you may not have money; if you have money, you may not be happy; if you have happiness, you may not have health; if you have health, everything may not come true.

Keeping the mentality of contentment is the best way to temper the mind and purify the soul. All happy enjoyment belongs to the spirit. This kind of happiness turns enduring into enjoyment. It is the victory of spirit over matter. This is the philosophy of life.

After different degrees of exercise, a person will obtain different degrees of cultivation and different degrees of benefits. It is like a spice, the more finely pounded and the finer it is, the stronger the fragrance will be. We were so eager for the waves of fate, and only finally found out that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually the calmness and calmness of the heart... We were so looking forward to the approval of the outside world, and only finally did we realize that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others. It doesn't matter.

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The Straight Story quotes

  • Alvin Straight: I want to thank you for your kindness to a stranger.

    Danny Riordan, Clermont Resident: It's been a genuine pleasure having you here, Alvin. Write to us some time.

    Alvin Straight: I will.

  • Pete: He'll never make it past the Grotto.