Watch the plot like a screenwriter

Robb 2022-04-22 07:01:30

1. Sunny day, home. An old friend goes to Street and finds out that he has had an accidental stroke.
2. During the day, the clinic. The daughter took Streeter to see a doctor, and the doctor said that he was ill and needed to be treated quickly.
3. During the day, home. Street told her daughter that she was going to shovel the lawn, but the mower was broken.
4, stormy night, home. The daughter got a call saying that Uncle Lyle had had a stroke, and Street was silent.
5. Sunny day, home. Street fiddles with the lawnmower. Daughter calls.
6. Night, at home. The daughter looks out the window. A child plays with a ball. Street told his daughter that he was going to see Lyle on the road. I haven't figured out how to get there.
7. During the day, outside the home. The daughter lists reasons why the father should not go. Uncle is in another state, 350 miles. The two make a trailer.
8. During the day, the supermarket. The daughter buys a lot of sausages for her father to eat on the road.
9. During the day, outside the home. Streeter repairs the lawnmower.
10. During the day, the hardware store. Street buys gas cans and a big pliers.
11. During the day, outside the home. Streeter fixes the lawnmower.
12. Night, outside the home. The father and daughter looked up at the starry sky, and the daughter felt that this tractor would not work. Street said that he must see his brother and travel alone.
13. During the day, on the road in the town. Streeter hits the road with the lawnmower. Old friends came to watch.
14. During the day, on the road. Street on the road, country scenery. Residents watched curiously. A truck drove by and Streeter's hat flew off. Get out of the car to pick up the hat, the car can't start. Street pulled over for help, and a bus stopped.
15. On the bus. An elderly tour group.
16. Hardware store. Street found a trailer and pulled back his lawnmower, and the old town friends shook their heads when they saw it.
17, at home. While the daughter was chatting with the neighbors, Streetmer was silent. Street took the gun, went outside and exploded the lawnmower.
18. Machinery factory. Streeter bought a second-hand small lawn mower that worked well and compared it with the giant trucks around him.
19. Outside the home. The daughter watched Street go away.
20. Roadside. Street uses big pliers to clamp the wood. (The audience knows why he wants to buy pliers, his waist and legs are not good)
21. In the evening, on the roadside. Street lights a fire and rests.
22. During the day, on the road. A girl asked for a ride, but the car in front refused to take her. Streeter didn't take her either.
23, night, roadside. Street was on fire, and the girl came to strike up a conversation, saying that she could not find a ride. Street made her grill sausages. The girl asks about Street's family. His wife gave birth to 14 children, 7 of them are still alive, and his wife also died, and he lives with Rose. (We know his family background) The girl ran away from home for 5 months, got pregnant, and didn't tell anyone. The girl is in a bad mood, and Street tells her that she is going to see her brother. The two were joking. Street talked about her daughter, Rose, who is a good mother with four children. When she was away from home one night, a fire suddenly broke out. The government felt that she was unable to raise the children and took them away. (We know Rose's background, a flashback, Rose is lonely at home) Street and the girl talk about the meaning of family.
24, morning, roadside. Street wakes up and the girl leaves, leaving behind a bundle of firewood.
25. It rains on the road. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Street saw a warehouse and drove over to hide from the rain.
26. The sun sets, on the road. Countryside scenery. A large group of racers rode. Street stopped to watch.
27. In the evening, the camping base. The racers applaud Street as they drive over. Chat with a young racer.
28. During the day, on the road. There was a car accident ahead. Street gets out of the car to help. A frantic middle-aged woman. I killed 13 deer in 7 weeks! ! !
29, evening, roadside. Street Roast Venison. There are many deer statues next to it.
30. During the day, at a certain intersection in the town. Street's car is adorned with antlers. A group of people watching an old burning house. On a big downhill, Streeter's brakes failed, and the car came to a terrifying stop. This group of good-hearted people came over to help take a look at the car. The car needs to be repaired, everyone cares about him, and Street has been on the road for 5 weeks. Did a lady say you're not afraid? Street said that he participated in World War II, and there is nothing to be afraid of. (We know more about him, WWII!) Well-meaning people let him rest in their yard.
31. In the evening, the yard of good-hearted people. Street looked up at the sky.
32. During the day, the yard of good-hearted people. Street flipped through his wallet, but there wasn't much money in it. Street wanted to make a phone call to his daughter and insisted on doing it outside.
33. Good-hearted people at home. The couple saw that Street was on the phone outside and said that it would cost a lot of money to fix the car, and he probably didn't have that much money. With so many mountains behind, it might kill him. The wife said that the journey is so long, let her husband take him there.
34. The Street House. The daughter looked at Street's check and made a note of the mailing address.
35. At the door of the kind-hearted people, Street left a phone number and 3 yuan.
36. The yard of good-hearted people. Well-meaning people came to see Street, paid 250 yuan to fix the machine, and told him that he was willing to drive him there. Street declined, and I wanted to do it my own way. Well-meaning people say there are too many mountains behind and your machine could break down again. After a while, another old gentleman came to see him and invited him to drink in town.
37. Town bar. Street chats with the old gentleman. Street drinks milk and talks about a previous alcohol problem, and a priest helps him. The old gentleman talked about his past wars, all his comrades died, the old gentleman was very sad. Street is also very emotional, saying that the partners in his memory are all so young, and as he grows older, the faces of his partners can't remember, and sometimes he thinks of the faces of Germans. A former sniper himself, Streit recalled an operation in which he accidentally shot a young comrade-in-arms, and everyone thought it was the Germans who killed him, except himself. (We know more about him, sniper, war trauma, manslaughter of a comrade-in-arms, a former alcoholic!)
38. At night, kindhearted man's yard. Street looked up at the sky.
39. The yard of good-hearted people. Several people were working on the lawnmower, and it was fixed. The two wanted to slaughter him for 250 yuan, and Street was very good at bargaining, cutting it down to 187 yuan. Street said that he was going to see his brother he hadn't seen in 10 years. The last time they met, the two said something "unforgettable". This trip is "hard to swallow my pride" (we know his motives to see his brother, reconciliation?)
40, evening, good-hearted people's yard. It's a little sad to say goodbye to Street.
41. In the early morning, kindhearted people's kitchen. Well-meaning people watched Street go.
42. During the day, on the road. Street hits the road, a great stretch of the countryside. Cross the bridge and say hello to passersby.
43. At night, next to the church cemetery. Street was on fire, and a priest came to bring him food. Street chats with the priest. The pastor knew Street's brother Lyle, and said he hadn't heard him mention he had a brother. Street tells his story with Lyle. The two brothers had a very good relationship when they were young. How to do this? Like Cain and Abel in the Bible, they were angry, vain, and mixed into wine, and the two did not speak for 10 years. Street said that he wanted to reconcile with his brother, and that what happened in the past is no longer important. (We learned that he went to see his brother for reconciliation.)
44. Restaurant. The boss saw that Street had stopped the car and came in. Streeter: I haven't had a drink in years, but I'm going to have a beer now. Street asks the boss brother how to get to the house.
45. The last part of the journey. The camera is on Lu, and Street's face switches back and forth. The background music played, and Street began to cry. The lawnmower gave off a puff of black smoke and went out. A tractor drove behind, and the two had some conversations. The lawnmower started, and Street followed the big tractor.
46. ​​Outside Brother Lyle's house. Street got out of the car and walked towards a dilapidated hut on crutches. Street called his brother's name, but no one answered the door. After a while, Lyle came out.
47. Lyle's porch. The two old men sat down. Lyle saw the lawn mower, tears welling up in his eyes: You've been riding this crap here to see me? Streeter: Yes, Lyle. The two brothers wept silently.
48. The camera is pulled towards the stars in the sky. Music starts.

Mr. Street: A clear-headed, sick old man. stubborn.
Street's daughter Rose: Stuttering, unremarkable, living with Street, specializing in handmade small houses.
Female neighbor: fat, simple-minded.
The old friends
met all kinds of people on the road.
Brother Lyle

's first incident - the car broke down and went home. Bought a used car again.
The second event - girl: run away from home. Comforted by Mr. Street. Confessed his family and daughter's experience.
The third event - meeting the racers. It's nice to be young.
The fourth incident - met a middle-aged woman who killed a deer. The woman went wild, and Mr. Streeter enjoyed the venison and pressed the antlers to the car.
The fifth event - (the biggest event) the car broke down. Lived in a village for a few days, met many kind people, and learned about Mr. Street's war background.
The sixth time - met the pastor. Confess the gap between you and your brother, and express your wish for reconciliation.
Seventh event - turn off the engine again before reaching the finish line.

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The Straight Story quotes

  • Alvin Straight: I want to thank you for your kindness to a stranger.

    Danny Riordan, Clermont Resident: It's been a genuine pleasure having you here, Alvin. Write to us some time.

    Alvin Straight: I will.

  • Pete: He'll never make it past the Grotto.