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Melany 2022-09-02 11:40:39

stare out the window. remember the time she got you to pose for one of her paintings? how she told you how beautiful you were? how she made you feel pretty again for a little while? think how u miss her.
stand up.
now it is waiting. and nobody cares. and when your wait is over, this room will still exist, and it will continue to hold shoes and dresses and boxes, and maybe someday another waiting person. and maybe not. the room doesn't care , either.

what was once before you, an exciting and mysterious future, is now behind you. lived, understood, disappointing. you realize you are not special. you have struggled into existence and are now slipping silently out of it. this is everyone's experience. every single one. the specifics hardly matter, everyone is everyone. so you are adele, hazel, claire, olive. you are ellen. all her meager sadnesses are yours. all her loneliness. the gray, straw-like hair. her red, raw hands. it's yours. it's time for you to understand this.
as the people who adore you stop adoring you, as they die, as they move on, as you shed them, as you shed your beauty, your the world forgets you, as you recognize your transience, as you begin to lose your characteristics one by you learn there is no one watching you, and there never was, you think only about driving. not coming from anyplace, not arriving anyplace. just driving, counting off time. now you are here. it's 7:43. now you are here. it's 7:44. now you are gone.

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Extended Reading

Synecdoche, New York quotes

  • Sammy Barnathan: I don't have a resume, or a picture. I've never worked as an actor.

    Caden Cotard: Good. Tell me why you're here.

    Sammy Barnathan: Well I've been... I've been following you for twenty years. So I knew about this audition because I follow you. And I've learned everything about you by following you. So hire me. And you'll see who you truly are. Peek-a-boo. Okay... Hazel, I don't think we need to talk to anyone else, this guy has me down. I'm going to cast him right now. And then maybe you and I can get a drink and we can try and figure out this thing between us. Why I cried... Because I've never felt about anybody the way I feel about you. And I want to fuck you until we merge into a Chimera, a mythical beast of penis and vagina, eternally fused, two pairs of eyes that look only at each other, and lips, ever touching, and one voice that whispers to itself.

    Caden Cotard: Okay. You got the part.

  • Caden Cotard: I know how to do the play now. It will all take place over the course of one day. And that day will be the day before you died. That day was the happiest day of my life. Then I'll be able to live it forever. See you soon.