August is a hot month. This home in Osage County is full of contradictions and hidden dangers. Husband BEV killed himself, reuniting three daughters, and mother's sister's family. On the empty highway, the August sun was choking, like these five families. Every family has its own story, with constant quarrels, constant contradictions, drugs, swear words, and no harmony whatsoever. One of the things I like about European and American movies is probably that they won't always give you a happy ending, making the world a beautiful place. After watching it, the pain and sentiment are left to yourself.
Almost everyone in "August: Osage County" parted ways at the end of the day, no relationship eased, and a relationship that was good also fell apart. Even though you'll see what no one has in mind, it's just that everyone in the story just doesn't fit in. Just like the weather in August, although the sun is shining, it hurts enough on everyone.
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August: Osage County reviews