With just this wave of hands, the past is so gray-haired: —— "I don't want to grow up, the reality is too complicated, but without worry, how can you appear to have no time."
If you are destined to fall in love in the best time A boy who refuses to grow up like Peter Pan, will you dissolve your youth, dreams, smiles, joy, and all the fears born of love to this man who hits him? Will you be born in the same country as him, insist on being simple and refuse to grow up for him? Do you know? Do you really do it?
I don't think I will. We may just be Wendy one after another, and years are like annual rings that confine the past. We forget how to love as if we forgot how to fly.
So I decided to leave.
With a wave of his hand, the past has gone gray.
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