Each of us is a sick child

Yvonne 2022-12-17 14:35:23

If I hadn't come to auntie, I would never have finished watching this movie.

The camera is very slow and slow, just in line with my feeling of painless pain.

The boy in the camera is very dazzling, so I always thought he was the protagonist, but the director did not let him monopolize the film, but depicted more people of all kinds in adolescence.

For example, the three beauty-loving girls complained about the restraints of their parents, hoping to leave soon after going to college, and their way of losing weight after eating, and all kinds of rebellion.

And the girl who never wanted to wear shorts. It reminded me of myself. In junior high school, I didn’t like to wear short sleeves either. Because there was a mole on her arm, I felt a bit strange and liked to wear long sleeves to cover it up, so No matter how hot it is, short sleeves are rarely worn. Of course it's a bit funny to think about it now, but everyone in adolescence is a sick child, and everyone has more or less little secrets that people don't know.

And the rebellion has reached the top and is really out of control. The little boy who attacked the school in the film has been bullied at school and plays a good piano at home, but no one could have imagined that he would attack the school with another child like in the game.

I am very fortunate that I am not a pervert. The most unlawful thing I have done is to steal something in a stationery store, and I am not involved in the killing, so God is still very kind to me, and I did not do anything wrong and ruined my life. But when I was a child, my thoughts were strange, and I couldn't understand what I was thinking about all day at that time. Maybe this is the restlessness and ignorance that only occurs in adolescence.

Along the way, I realized that each of us is a sick child, and maybe it will continue to be sick.

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  • John McFarland: Excuse me sir, don't go in there!

  • Eric: I ain't putting shit down!