Old-fashioned inspirational story, but I quite like it.

Lelia 2022-04-21 09:02:18

I started paying attention to this movie because of the two leading actors. Although I don't have such a big desire to watch it, I still remember it all the time. After so many years, I finally made it up hahaha.

The male protagonist, his first movie I watched was "Ace Secret Service". At that time, I thought that he didn't look very smart. In this movie, he looked like he was pouting his chin and pushing his glasses, which is really stupid. , silly and cute hahahahahahaha. Uncle Wolf, I just want to ask is it really not cold for you to dress like that in such a cold weather 233333 But your legs are too long, prprpr.

Actually the guy is crazy. I have to do extreme sports due to inconvenience in my knees, and I am hindered by the skiing Olympics, so I don't give up on ski jumping. The point is that this kind of training has never been done before. (?)

Good boy don't imitate.

But records are made by such lunatics.

Like general inspirational articles, men fight for their favorite unemployment despite the disapproval and ridicule of others. There must be people behind him. And here, the male lead's number one fan is his mother. To be honest, I'm really envious. I'm so supportive of my son's dream, encouraging him and supporting him. im eeagle's mom. I like this dress so much. There is also the same style of the last father's, which is really cute.

I envy the male protagonist, there are people who support him and help him; I envy the male protagonist, he has a career he loves.

I would love to have it too.

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Extended Reading

Eddie the Eagle quotes

  • Eddie Edwards: I just thought we could have a little chat about me being an Olympic ski-jumper.

    Bronson Peary: You've more chance of being a ballerina than a jumper.

    Eddie Edwards: Good one. I was juts after a few tips, really.

    Bronson Peary: Give up, there's one for free.

  • Bronson Peary: [showing Eddie the models of the different ramps] I felll in love with this sport, man. It started with this little baby. This 15 metre little vixen. You manage to land that because it's meant to hook you into the sport, right, so otherwise you wouldn't even bother trying. The 40 meter, when you stack you get bruised, which I don't have to explain to *you*.

    Eddie Edwards: [chuckles] Sorry.

    Bronson Peary: The 70 metre, you break bones and you're lucky if you can walk again. The 90 metre. The goddess. Let's just say in the Wild West we'd be measuring you for your coffin before you even reach the stairs. Never forget that, kid.