The dream of little things counterattacks, a good holiday film

Bridie 2022-04-20 09:01:45

A movie to watch during the Mid-Autumn Festival. As expected, this movie is the first choice of many parents of children. From the beginning, I thought it was just for children to watch by DreamWorks (not suitable for adults like Crazy Primitive), but I really saw it, and I fell in love with those cute snails. They lived a very regular and energetic life. Even the alien TURBO (the original name should be "Western Europe") is a little boy full of vitality and dreams. guy. The children around were easily brought into this rebellious, stubborn and lovely character (hehe, I feel like I'm not really watching the movie too seriously), with his encounters, the children sighed and laughed excitedly The sound fluctuates as the plot unfolds. My heartbeat is also following TURBO's emotions.
The most frequently heard theme line "No matter how big a dream is, no matter how big the dream is, no matter how small the dreamer is, it is not too small", which basically runs through. The plot is very simple. It is a lucky snail who succeeds in chasing his dream. People of my age will not support such so-called excessive inspiration. But a slow narrative like this, succinctly, supplemented by warm family affection, a pair of snail brothers, a pair of Mexican brothers, that kind of heart-warming brotherhood, shows us a good warm drama, plus the more refined the dream. Factory animation, the character design is very suitable for the audience's eyes, and people can feel their love at first glance. Compared with some comic works that destroy the three views, they are indeed much more comfortable and endearing. There are many Children must take pictures next to the TURBO mock-up set after watching the movie.
There is an additional reason for liking this movie: the 3D viewing this time did not use the big and bulky 3D glasses in the cinema. It came with a 3D lens clipped on the myopia mirror, and the picture effect was very good. I have had a headache, and the picture is clearer, and the 3D effect is amazing (haha, I am bragging about my own glasses).

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Turbo quotes

  • Turbo: Are you crazy?

    Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?

  • Turbo: Snails don't have money. Or else they'll have to pay the bills. Remember?

    Whiplash: Your trash talk is needlessly complicated!

    Turbo: Is it? Or is it that your unpaid bills... are overdue?

    Whiplash: Enough talk! It's time... for action.