One movie, two harvests.

Kody 2022-04-21 09:02:19

When I was in high school, I once found a copy of Dickens's "Christmas Stories" at the Xinhua Bookstore with a friend. That book would have been an unpopular stack in the warehouse that wouldn't be taken out, but was brought back to light by a large organization to fill their library. But it has since become my love.

Like everyone who loves books, I'm equally stingy about sharing it. It backfired because I was infatuated with a person and wanted to share my favorite with him, but I never found this book again.

But Dickens' Christmas spirit has left a deep imprint on my heart ever since.

I said so far because I saw a detail in "Telepathy": the actor loves Dickens the most, and when visiting his old residence, he mentioned that "A Christmas Carol" is his most important work. Therefore, in the end of this film, I believe that everyone who loves Dickens and "A Christmas Carol" will understand that this is not a compromise and a cliché, but a love and a heart that yearns for a better life.

And it was because of this movie that I started to search several online stores again to find the "Christmas Tales" that had the greatest influence on me. In the end, this old book in Shanghai translation was picked up by me from the past.

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Hereafter quotes

  • George Lonegan: Sometimes, I mean you know, knowing everything about someone, uhhh, its, uh, it seems nice, but really, maybe it's-it's actually better to hold stuff back.

  • George Lonegan: I'm sorry, I'm losing him now. He's... he's leaving. He wants to leave.

    Marcus: No, Jase. Don't go. You can't.

    [starts crying]

    Marcus: Don't leave me. I don't wanna be here without you. Please, Jase, don't go. I miss you.

    George Lonegan: Okay, he came back. He's here. He says if you're worried about being on your own, don't be. You're not. Because he is you and you are him. One cell. One person. Always.

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