There are many Douban masters, not just me

Adolphus 2022-04-22 07:01:30

Power is a sharp weapon to tear apart human nature. Everyone has the idea of ​​someone dying because of a trivial matter, but our thoughts are powerless to turn it into reality, just as a beast cannot eat a person when locked in a cage, the law is that. Put the iron lock; when the environment opens up some rights to human beings, just like opening the door of a beast cage, human nature will naturally open its claws, show its fangs, and pounce on the subordinates of power. Humans and beasts have the same bloodthirsty instinct, the difference is that the physical hunger and sense of crisis determine the target of the beasts' attack, and the scale of human beings to measure the enemy is a subjective consciousness without objective basis. That will be an infinitely vast range, also known as, the one who goes against me, perishes. wash

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The Experiment quotes

  • [first lines]

    Tarek Fahd, Häftling Nr. 77: [voiceover, reading newspaper ad] Test subjects wanted. Earn 4000 marks for a 14-day experiment in a simulated prison.

  • [last lines]

    Nachrichtensprecher: [voiceover - spoiler] The tragic outcome: two dead, three injured, among them project leader Professor Klaus Thon. Clearly, the experiment went out of control after two days. The district attorney is investigating two possible manslaughter charges and several charges of abuse and negligence. One of the test participants has been arrested. The project direction will probably have to answer to a court. According to statements by one of the scientists, the escalation might have been prevented by aborting the experiment earlier.