One day, when we all grow old

Alta 2022-04-20 09:01:44

I watched a British movie "Foreigners Hotel" in the past two days, which roughly tells the story of seven elderly people who came to India by accident, and then their encounters and reflections on their original lives!

The protagonists in the movie are all influential figures in today's film industry. Of course, it is a very enjoyable thing to see their mutual acting skills. One of the most famous is Maggie Smith, who played Professor McGonagall in "Harry Potter". The old grandmother is so loving, and there are not many lines but every sentence is pearly. I remember that the doctor told her to wait for half a year before surgery. The old lady exclaimed, "How can I wait half a year at my age? I don't even dare to buy half-ripe bananas!" Haha, being able to look at life so easily in Gu Xi is a rare kind of mind!

What touched me the most in the movie was an old judge with heart disease who resolutely resigned after learning that he was going to die soon and went to India to find a same-sex partner he once loved. Among them, he experienced a confession from an old lady and also met the last confidant in his life. , I saw the man I once loved deeply and his wife, the two lovers wept each other, and the wife watched silently on the side, this is a cycle of love, but it took so many years to meet! The old judge took his last breath to fulfill his wish, and left safely on the swing chair called "Marigold Hotel" on a sunny afternoon. The other old people in Tongtong can't help but sigh. In this countdown to life, everyone who accompanies them is precious, but it is a perfect life to be able to leave without regret at the end.

You would never watch such a movie ten years ago, because you can't understand what they're thinking. Looking at it now, there are actually many places that cannot be understood. After all, they are all people with stories telling a life with stories. However, with the increase of age, the way of looking at things has also changed. I used to only see the good side, but I never thought that the ugliness is actually hidden behind it; if you love someone, if you don't get the blessing of your family, you will let go quietly and think you are noble. It's naive, and you must tell her the love in your heart out loud. Don't be afraid to fail, if it's not the best now, believe me, it must not be the end! This is what Judi Dench said to the Indian guy in the movie and is the core line throughout the entire movie.

A lot of old men and women are trying to find their own happiness and release their passion to the highest point in a limited time. However, when I was young, I was afraid of hands and feet, afraid of failure, betrayal, and hurt, so I refused to grow up, and when it was time to take on it, I completely collapsed.

I was thinking if I was that age and had unfulfilled dreams, would I be like the old man and the old lady in the movie, just buy a plane ticket at the airport to a place I've never been before, and start the most adventurous journey , anyway, time is limited, so enjoy it.

Traveling around the world at the age of 50 has become a distant dream since China announced its new retirement system. Repeating the same thing every day, but this repetition will continue for decades, it’s scary to think about, but now I can’t wave my sleeves without taking away a cloud, and I can’t do whatever I want without any worries, The once presumptuous years have passed, but the unburdened life has not yet come. How to do it? Work hard to live, and then let go of everything for one year and fly freely!

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The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel quotes

  • Jean: Are you insane? Avoid all food not from a reputable vendor. It'll be washed in impure water.

    Douglas Ainslie: It's just a sandwich.

    Jean: Oh, marvelous. Then I'll have ham, cheese, and streptococcus. Or perhaps bacteria, lettuce, and tomato.

    Douglas Ainslie: Would you like some of this? I believe it's called aloo ka paratha.

    Muriel: No, if I can't pronounce it, I don't want to eat it.

  • Sonny: Your bedroom.

    Madge Hardcastle: Where?

    Sonny: Here. In here.

    Madge Hardcastle: My dear man, rooms have doors. What you're showing me here is an alcove.