Ai Iijima 233333333

Shannon 2022-04-22 07:01:31

At first I thought it would be boring, but when I stopped to watch it, I felt very comfortable.
Can understand the predicament of the heroine.
Watching Italian food on an empty stomach at night is so torturous.
In India, there were faint tears, and it was very touching to watch the heroine grow and mature step by step.
For those who scold the female protagonist as green tea, whore, slut, and selfishness, I just want to say: You are not the parties, and you have no empathy.
STFU, you know nothing.

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Extended Reading

Eat Pray Love quotes

  • Sharon in Seva Office: [Liz has been called to the seva office] We're taking you off the floor-scrubbing team. There are about 50 devotees arriving tomorrow from all over the world for a 10-day retreat, and we'd like you to be the key hostess. We ask that you don't take part during the meditations. We need you to watch over the flock, make sure everyone is all right

    Sharon in Seva Office: [continues, as Liz remains silent] We call the person who does this job, "Little Suzy Cream Cheese." You need to be social and bubbly and smiling all the time.

    Liz Gilbert: [breaking into a big smile] Madam... I'm your girl!

  • [Last lines]

    Liz Gilbert: I decided on my word. "Attraversiamo"... It means: "Let's cross over".