Smile with face. Smile with mind, Even smile in liver.

Rosalia 2022-04-21 09:02:16

KETUT: Keep grounded so it's like you have four legs, that way you can stay in this world.
Also, no looking at world through your head, look through your heart instead. That way you will know god.
Which is why you came here , no?
KETUT: You have to be on all fours so that you can stand your ground in this world.
At the same time, don't see the world with your head, see the world with your heart. Then you can know God.
That's why you came here to find me, right?

Liz presentation: It begins when the object of your affection bestows upon you a heady hellucinogenic dose of something you have never even dared to admit you wanted an emotional speed-ball of thunderous love and excitement.
Liz presentation: At first your affectionate object would give You bring dreamy intoxicating things that you can't even imagine, and emotional stimulants, and bring you a storm of love and passion.
As soon you start craving that attention with the hungry obsesion of any junkie

When it's withheld, you turn sick; crazy, not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place, but now refuses to pony up the good stuff. , you start to become unhappy, neurotic, not to mention the person who got you into it, must have resentment towards him, but now you can't see good things in your eyes.
Goddamn him, he used to give it to you for free
Next stage finds you skinny, shaking in a corner certain only that you'd sell your soul just to have that one thing one more time; meanwhile the object of your adoration is now repushed by you
. Trembling in the corner, I still hope that as long as I can have that feeling of being noticed and cared for again, I even sell my soul for this; at the same time, your love object is being excluded by you.
He looks at you like someone he's never met before.
He looks at you like you never met.

The irony is you can hardly blame him, I mean, check yourself out. You are a mess. Unrecognizble even to your own eyes. a mess. I don't even recognize myself.
You have now reached infatuation's final destination, and the complete and merciless devluation of self

LIZ: He just needs a chance to miss me. He just needs a chance to miss me
DELIA: You jumped in so quickly, you didn't give yourself a moment.
DELIA: You jumped in so quickly, you didn't give yourself a moment.
LIZ: When your soul mate shows up out of the blue, you don't say 'sorry, kind sir, please come back when it is more convenient.'
LIZ : When your soul mate shows up out of the blue, you don't say 'sorry, kind sir, please come back when it is more convenient.' I'm sorry, good-hearted sir, please come back at a time that is more convenient for me."

LIZ: Do you know what I felt when I woke up this morning
Nothing. No passion, no spark, no faith, no heat. Absolutely nothing.
Nothing. No passion, no spark, no faith, no enthusiasm, not a single bit.
I think I really got to past the point, where I can be calling this a bad moment, and it just terrifies me.
I think I have to figure out a way to get through this bad phase, it's horrible.
This is like worse than death to me, The idea that this is the person I'm gonna be from now on

DELIA: You know what, this happens to people, they fall in love in their 20s, get married,do the granite countertop, white-picket fence in their 30s, and somewhere they realize, "this is not for me anymore.
" Well, everyone is like this, fell in love in their 20s, got married and had children, bought a house in their 30s, and suddenly realized "I don't want to live like this anymore".
So they fail and they fall down, they hurt like hell, they straighten up and march their arses to the shrink's office.
Then they're down and they feel like hell, but most of all they have to pull up and get your butt up and sit down to work in a depressing office.
They can't just check out.
No one can refund a life ticket.

LIZ: I am not checking out. I need to change.
I don't want a refund, I need to change.

DELIA: You have a support system here. You have friends and family who love you.
There are people here who care about you and support you. You have friends and loved ones who love you.

LIZ: Any do you feel my love for you? My support for you? No. There's, like, nothing. I have no pulse. Do you feel my love for you
? I support your concern? no. I'm like the walking dead.
What did you have for lunch?
Do you remember what you had for lunch?

DELIA: I don't know. A salad.
Don't remember, salad bar.

LIZ: Exactly. I used to have this appetite for food, for my life and it is just gone.
Exactly. I used to have a passion for food and a passion for life, now what?
I want to go somplace where I can marvel at something, language, gelatoes, spaghetti, something... I want to go somplace where I can marvel at something, language, gelatoes, spaghetti, something
DELIA: You're talking like a college kid.
You talk like a high school kid.
LIZ: You know, I've been acting like one. You know, I've been acting like
a high school student.
Since I was 15, I've either been with a guy, or breaking up with a guy. Since I was fifteen, I've either been in a relationship or breaking up
I have not given myself two weeks of a breather to just deal with, you know, myself.
Never given myself two weeks of a breather to just deal with myself.

LIZ: I'm so tired of saying no and then waking up in the moring, and recalling every single thing I ate the day before
. Food.
Counting every claorie I consume so I know ecactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower.
Count calories ingested to see how much self-loathing is being carried into the bathroom.
I'm going for it. I have no interest in being obese, I'm just through with the guilt. I'm just
letting it go. I don't want to be fat, I just leave the guilt behind.

LIZ: The sweetness of doing nothing
LIZ: Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.
Destruction is a gift. Destruction is the road to change. LIZ: Both of us deserve better

than staying together, because we'er afraid we'll be destroyed if we don't.
s damage.

KETUT: Sit in silence and smile.
Smile, sit still.
Smile with face. Smile with mind,
smile in liver.
Even the lobes of the lungs have to smile.

KETUT: You haven't healed that wound. Now you are scared to open your heart. You haven't healed
from it. Now you are afraid to open up.
You are afraid hurt will happen to you again
Only way to heal is to trust.
The only key to healing is trust.
This okay. To have broken heart, mean you have tried for something.
It's okay. Sad to prove that you have tried.

W: You don't need a man, you need a champion. You don't need a man, you need a champion

Wayan: You don't want to lose yourself. Love is scary, dangerous. You don't want to lose yourself
. Love is scary and dangerous.
Everybody needs affection. Make people do funny things. Everyone gets like that at beginning of relationship. Everybody needs affection
. Love makes people behave childishly, which is what everyone does at the beginning of a relationship.
Want too much happiness, too much pleasure, until make yourself

LIZ: When I was in Italy, I learned a word-----"Titti" with double t, which in Italian means "everybody". , meaning everyone's meaning.
So that's the lesson, isn't it? When you set out in the world to help yourself,
it's a lesson I learned, isn't it? When you go out of the world and want to help yourself,
sometimes you end up helping Tutti.
Maybe you end up helping Tufti (everyone).

W: You are afraid to love again
You have lost the courage to love.

LIZ: I don't know why you can't understand this. I don't know why you can't understand this
I found something and I can't give it up
And trust me, if I did, you wouldn't be so all in love with me

W: You traveled around the world to find your balance, and the balance that you think you've found is what? Balance is not letting anybody love you less than you love yourself
. What is the balance of mind you are looking for? Balance isn't about having everyone love you, it's about loving yourself first.

KETUT: sometimes, to lost balance for love is part of living balanced life.
Sometimes, to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life.

LIZ: If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything
From your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a trust-seeking journey.
This includes your home, or the grudges that have built up in your heart, and start a journey of seeking truth.
Either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue;
Both inside and outside, if you really want to see all your experiences as a revelation;
and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher
and if you are prepared, most of all to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, and
most importantly, if you're ready to face and forgive that part of yourself that isn't likable.
then the truth will not be withheld from you.
Then no one can stop you from knowing the truth - the truth of life.

LIZ: Let's cross over. Let's
love each other. Keep grounded so it's like you have

four legs. That way, you can stay in this world. Also, no looking at world through your head. Look through your heart instead. That way, you will know God.
Just as down to earth. That way, you can settle down in this world. Also, don’t look at the mortal world with your head, look with your heart. Then you will know God.

I have a box just like this, except it's filled with National Geographics and The Times travel section--All the places I wanna see before l die. 's travel column with all the places I want to go before I die.

And when I look into your eyes, I hear
dolphins clapping.

I didn't exactly fall in love with the guy. What happened was I dove out of my marriage and into David's arms exactly the same way a cartoon circus performer dives off a high platform and into a small cup of water, vanishing completely.
Actually I'm not in love with this lad. I just jumped out of my marriage and into David's arms, like a circus performer in a cartoon jumping off a high platform into a small water glass and disappearing without a trace.

It begins when the object of your affection bestows upon you a heady hallucinogenic dose of something you've never even dared to admit you wanted an emotional speedball of thunderous love and excitement. Soon you start craving that attention with the hungry obsession of any junkie. When it's withheld, you turn sick, crazy, not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place but now refuses to pony up the good stuff. Goddamn him, and he used to give it to you for free, next stage finds you skinny, shaking in a corner, certain only that you
’d sell your soul just to have that one thing one more time. Unbelievable love and passion. Soon you start craving that kind of indulgence like a craving addict. When the passion is gone, you become distracted and jittery, not to mention your resentment against the drug dealer who got you hooked in the first place and who now refuses to sell you the best stuff. damn it! He used to receive nothing. The next step he finds you scrawny and shivering in a corner, he's sure you'll sell your soul for another experience.

There is a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging: “Dear saint, please, please, please let me win the lottery.” Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life and looks down at the begging man and says: "My son, please, please, please buy a ticket."
There's a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day, at the statue of a saint He prayed in front of him: "Beloved God, please, please, please, please let me win the lottery!" Finally, the statue was provoked and resurrected. He looked down at the poor praying and said, "People, please, please, please, please, please go. Buy a lottery ticket!"

Maybe you're a woman in search of her word

You wanna get to the castle, you got to swim the

You have to learn to select your thoughts the way you select your clothes every day

Smile with face. Smile with mind. Even smile in liver.
Smile to smile on the face, from the heart, even from the liver.

Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life

In the end, I've come to believe in something I call "The Physics of the Quest." A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you' re brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you. I can't help but believe it, given by my experience. I decided on my word. It means: "Let's cross over."
Eventually, I came to believe in what I call "seeking physics," a force in nature that is as real as gravity. The law of seeking physics is this: If you are brave enough to put aside everything you know and feel at ease, including your home, your pain, your resentment, start a truth-seeking journey—outside If you are really willing to see everything you experience on your journey as a hint, if you see everyone you meet as a mentor, and most importantly, if you are ready to face and Forgive your unpleasant qualities, and the truth will not be too far from you. Through my own experience, I can't help but begin to believe in this law. I found my keyword. It means: "Let's leap over the past!"

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Extended Reading

Eat Pray Love quotes

  • Sharon in Seva Office: [Liz has been called to the seva office] We're taking you off the floor-scrubbing team. There are about 50 devotees arriving tomorrow from all over the world for a 10-day retreat, and we'd like you to be the key hostess. We ask that you don't take part during the meditations. We need you to watch over the flock, make sure everyone is all right

    Sharon in Seva Office: [continues, as Liz remains silent] We call the person who does this job, "Little Suzy Cream Cheese." You need to be social and bubbly and smiling all the time.

    Liz Gilbert: [breaking into a big smile] Madam... I'm your girl!

  • [Last lines]

    Liz Gilbert: I decided on my word. "Attraversiamo"... It means: "Let's cross over".