A Journey of the Soul - "Food, Prayer and Love"

Dillan 2022-04-19 09:02:02

Food, prayer, love, people are willing to devote themselves to it. In this life, people know that they are alive, and they are willing to live for it. However, we are always entangled in it, struggling with whether it is necessary, whether it is possible, and how complicated it is. "I am actively involved in every moment, in this created life, but why can't I see myself in any part, the only thing more impossible than staying is leaving, I'm afraid I don't want to hurt anyone, I want to sneak through the back door quietly and run until I get to Greenland." Everyone has

moments when they want to escape just like the protagonist Liz, no matter how embarrassed it may be. This is by no means being carried away by reality, but the beating heart that inspires the nature of freedom. At the moment when this kind of imagination is about to jump into reality in my mind, it stops abruptly and accumulates in the bud. Liz's friend said, "I love my job, my man, and my kids, but I wish I could go too." The moment brought tears to my eyes, was it empathy, was it sympathy? It seems that this is me, I didn't say it. What is the purpose of human civilization? Is it to confine people to a peaceful life in a seemingly vast space, or to face food, God, and lovers with peace of mind.

In the movie, it is like a journey, not only the scenery along the way, but also the mood of watching the scenery, the journey of the soul.

Food Travel:

Food is mouth-watering, even if the taste is pure, it attracts infinite reverie, the moment you have food in your mouth, until the taste stimulates the nerves, people are in a vacuum, there is no thought, only taste. However, in the hearts of many people, food has always been just a supporting role, just adjustment, transition, and forgetting to enjoy. Italy, the city where the film is located, the pasta in the entrance has traces of the seasoning left on the mouth, and the long pasta hangs outside on the plate, this is the real love, the enjoyment of melting into one; Take one side of the pizza, put the tip into the mouth, and look at the plate where the round pizza is missing a triangle to reveal the plate, thinking that some of the complete flavors have been taken for themselves, beautiful; coffee, pastries, As soon as I raised my hand, the fragrance had traveled a certain distance and was released into the air. Enjoy, enjoy the leisure of doing nothing, Italians are the best. People seem to have to be told that you're worth it, ads come in, oh, know I'm going to buy half a dozen, wake up drunk, still uncomfortable. And Italians "wake up knowing there's a feeling that you deserve to relax today" and know what they need to enjoy themselves. Such Italians can't speak Italian only with their mouths, but with their hands, knowing that they are Italians, that's right. Extending your arms and placing your hands in different positions of the lift seems to have different expressions. It is affirmative, and the image drives the whole person. It is not lazy and more energetic. Put your position on the hand to pass the words. , positive to urgent, very casual and fun. One more way to say "fuck you". The film takes me to every part of Italy, Fort Augustus "one of the quietest and loneliest places in Rome, the city that has grown around it over the centuries, it's like a precious scar, think A heartbreak you can't bear to let go because of how good the pain is. Living in pain for stability, just because we're afraid to change Afraid things will break, then I look at this place, this place loads of chaos, it adapts All methods, burn and loot, and then find a way to build myself up again, and then suddenly I'm open. Maybe my life is not very chaotic, that's the normal state of the world. The only trap is to let yourself be like this Do any part of the connection, destruction is a gift, destruction is the road to transformation, even in this eternal city, Fort Augustus has taught me that we must always be ready for the endless process of transformation Get ready." Liz sat there and told us about these still and living things. Let here - Fort Augustus have a heavy load. At the end of the trip to Italy, everyone gathered around the dining table, holding hands, talking about love and being loved. What needs to be expressed is to let each other cherish each other more, let each other be more casual, with a frown and a smile, a smile in the eyes, so warm, they are all sexy lovers. People could have been so close to each other. Oh, I suddenly know what food is in life, it is a kind of cooperation, without the beauty of reunion. Let all the days come, as long as we know how to welcome bad times and lovely muffin circles.


People are always naively praying to tell me what to do and I will do it, so helpless trusting God to do everything, putting hands together, reverently humbly grateful for all the blessings given, and then carefully telling the experience Pain, and then count the hints in the bottom of the heart as inspiration from God, a spiritual leader like God is enough to calm people down and soothe abnormal anxiety. People are losing focus, it should be good, such strong mood swings and reactions are hope for a breakthrough. We seem to lose ourselves so easily, oh darlings, we seem to get distracted, and we can't get our focus out of focus. Liz kept searching, hoping that she could become clearer, so she came to India, and in the Sanskrit chanting of everyone's carnival faith, she couldn't understand what they were doing, and she lost the purpose of her coming. This seems to be our portrait. This is often the case in life. "In order to stay happy, you have to know where you are. At any moment, here is the perfect balance, right in the middle of the journey to heaven and earth, not too much God, not too much selfishness Otherwise, the life of either paranoid is too crazy, and the balance you lose will lose your strength.” What you can imagine is something you can’t grasp, just meditate to do it, get rid of all irritability, listen to others, and accept others. Accept yourself. Suddenly, I felt that the separation that I had experienced in the past was too serious. Maybe it was emotional at that time, so I could feel the tears as much as I wanted. Prayer just makes yourself more religious, knowing that "God exists in you". "Try to sift your mind like you sift through what to wear every day, that's an ability you can develop." Liz did it, meditate to listen to do service, to give to the person or thing you want to give , looking at the innocent smiling faces of the mother and daughter. It seems that I still have a long way to go to filter my thoughts, so "continue to train yourself to be as strong as four legs, so that you can stay in this world, and don't use your thinking to See the world, see it with your heart, and you will understand God." Strengthen your heart, let yourself smile, smile with your face, smile with your heart, even your liver should smile, be calm, and be open-minded towards anything and everyone, I am trying.

There's a great italian joke about an old man who goes to church every day and then prays in front of a statue of a saint, begging dear saint please please let me win the lottery, finally annoyed statue comes back to life, looking down at the man who is praying , and then said: My people, please, please, go and buy a lottery ticket.

Before praying, ask yourself how much you have tried and how much you are prepared to pay for what you are praying for. Yes, God exists in himself.


Being in love makes a person want to stay and forget a lot. The source is also love to let Liz leave, start the pace, and come to Bali. Liz once loved and loved, "When I look into your eyes, I can hear dolphins clapping" All love used to be so real and beautiful, but it still escaped, it seems very tangled, but who knows who he is What to do, only the mind dictates. Liz divorced her husband, and talking to her friend, "He must hate me very much" and the friend said, "He doesn't hate you, his heart is broken." It sounds so heartbreaking. They have no intention of hurting each other, just because love makes two people meet. It's all just for the good start, just "Send him some love and light whenever you think of him, and let him go, and you'll open a path, and you know how the world will use that path." Rush in, and God will rush in and be with you, filling you with more love than you ever imagined possible." Then it all eased up. Love is coming, Liz looks at each other with a smile, there is love and peace in his eyes, the picture looks very real, and everything else will develop on its own. The old man Ketut said, "Sometimes losing a little balance for love is part of a balanced life." Is there anything more beautiful in this world than love? Liz has it. I have to say the guy who dares to love and dare is your luck.

"If you're brave enough to let go of everything you're comfortable and familiar with, everything including your house and sadness, old hatred, and set out to find the truth, whether it's physical or mental suffering, you really want to To really pay attention to everything, everything that happens on this journey is a clue, and you accept that the people you have experienced along the way will be your mentors, and you are ready to face and forgive yourself the most important thing. reality, then the truth will be revealed." I asked myself was I brave enough?

This trip is very comfortable, Liz's journey is rare. It seems that I understand a lot, and I have to break into the mundane world. Not everyone can do this, so I will decompose those into the bits and pieces of life. Remember that everything will fall apart, and only family members will exist forever in life. Symbiosis with food, prayer and love.

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Extended Reading

Eat Pray Love quotes

  • Sharon in Seva Office: [Liz has been called to the seva office] We're taking you off the floor-scrubbing team. There are about 50 devotees arriving tomorrow from all over the world for a 10-day retreat, and we'd like you to be the key hostess. We ask that you don't take part during the meditations. We need you to watch over the flock, make sure everyone is all right

    Sharon in Seva Office: [continues, as Liz remains silent] We call the person who does this job, "Little Suzy Cream Cheese." You need to be social and bubbly and smiling all the time.

    Liz Gilbert: [breaking into a big smile] Madam... I'm your girl!

  • [Last lines]

    Liz Gilbert: I decided on my word. "Attraversiamo"... It means: "Let's cross over".