Our lives are full of wonder, biologists see smaller and smaller creatures, astronomers look farther and farther, into the black night sky, into time, into The universe, but perhaps the miracle of miracles, neither big nor small, but us right in front of our eyes. Can we recognize ourselves? Even if we could, would we know ourselves? What do we say to ourselves? What will we learn from ourselves? If we could get out of our bodies and look at ourselves, what would we say to ourselves?
These lines are my favorite and the center of the film. Maybe there will be another earth, another self, but how does that affect us? Just like a person looking in a mirror, you can look at yourself in the mirror from outside the mirror, but if you try to step over it, the mirror will also fall apart!
Watching this movie reminds me of "K-Sex Stranger" and "This Man From Earth", the style is really similar to K-Sex Stranger, and I like the style of music very much~~
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