no one will feel it's funny

Charley 2022-04-23 07:02:18

From the start, the two killers have been downright diabolical. The early part of the film quickly made the audience have an idea: "Why are two teenagers in white clothes so unreasonable?" The method of entering the house is unreasonable, the reason for the murder is completely unreasonable, the "game" has no victory or defeat, and the method of the murder is unreasonable. Weird, for various reasons, the audience can't let go of their compassion - without asking the victim to escape.

Don't expose the ending, but you might as well share a few sections of the movie for discussion. People are always at a dangerous juncture, or should be on the verge of death, and seek many reasons, reasons, and foundations, which often obliterate the first thought of survival. Killers are witty, maybe cunning, but I would describe it as "habitual" answering any victim's questions—what motives they must ask, how to get the perpetrator to give up, etc. And when you think about it, you seem to realize that the reason for the action does not necessarily need to be touching, moving, or even non-existent. Isn't it always said to act on the basis of feeling? Some people are probably inherently evil, they are not good at teaching, and they want to be evil from their hearts. But one of the things that can be noticed in this film is that the killers say multiple statements to answer the questions, which may make the victims accept the reasons.

Are you happy for acceptable reasons, and more unbelievably persecuted? Of course, ordinary people will not calmly deal with sudden attacks, but they are not as incapable of survival as the victims in this film. I remember in the early part of the film, the female victim once had a chance to ask a friend for help, but she didn't know why she would give up such an excellent opportunity to turn a defeat into a victory, a good opportunity to survive. After that, as long as you stay calm, you will always find an opportunity to counterattack! Forget it, if the counterattack is successful, there will be no plot to develop.

In addition, for the rewind at the end of the article, I really did not expect it. Although the ending was caused by the real plot that changed after the rewind, the imaginary plot before the rewind satisfied some of the audience's depression towards the victims, "thinking" that they could finally raise their eyebrows.

This "thought" is very miserable. I was tired and depressed to watch the full set, and came back disappointed. Obviously, the killers are not very powerful, and it is rare that the victims are not very willing to survive. It is a match made in heaven! It's too funny.

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Funny Games quotes

  • Paul: So, what do you want to do? You want to call someone? An ambulance, or the police? I won't stop you. Neither will Tom. Right, Tom? Well, what are you waiting for?

  • Paul: Okay, let's play another game. It's a guessing game.

    [Paul takes out a golf ball]

    Paul: What is this?

    [Paul drops the ball on the floor]

    Paul: [to George] Sir?

    George: It's a golf ball.

    Paul: Correct! It's a *golf* ball... But why do I have it in my pocket? Hm? The lady knows why. Because... Well?

    [Paul, exasperated, turns to Peter]

    Paul: Well?

    Peter: Because you didn't hit it.

    Paul: Correct! Because I didn't hit it! And *why* didn't I hit it?

    Peter: Because something stopped you.

    Paul: Correct. Because I had to test the club in another way.

    Anna: [realizing what has happened] Where is he?