so depressing

Edgardo 2022-04-22 07:01:31

After watching it for half an hour, I didn't want to watch it. It was too depressing. From the second time I overturned the egg, I probably knew what was going to happen. But after reading it, I just want to see if the last family of three will have a chance to "turn over". As a result...
I felt very happy when the hostess publicly shot the "fat man" to death, and then the plot went back, I was very disappointed, it seems that I still don't like violence in my consciousness, but it's not bad Interesting, just like God wants to play a so-called "funny game" and not allow others to spoil it.

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Extended Reading

Funny Games quotes

  • Paul: So, what do you want to do? You want to call someone? An ambulance, or the police? I won't stop you. Neither will Tom. Right, Tom? Well, what are you waiting for?

  • Paul: Okay, let's play another game. It's a guessing game.

    [Paul takes out a golf ball]

    Paul: What is this?

    [Paul drops the ball on the floor]

    Paul: [to George] Sir?

    George: It's a golf ball.

    Paul: Correct! It's a *golf* ball... But why do I have it in my pocket? Hm? The lady knows why. Because... Well?

    [Paul, exasperated, turns to Peter]

    Paul: Well?

    Peter: Because you didn't hit it.

    Paul: Correct! Because I didn't hit it! And *why* didn't I hit it?

    Peter: Because something stopped you.

    Paul: Correct. Because I had to test the club in another way.

    Anna: [realizing what has happened] Where is he?