Coincidence on the night of 9/11

Wallace 2022-04-23 07:02:18

The American people in the film will never forget the disaster, especially the disaster that was imposed on them. Like 911.
It is also seen in the film that an American who has suffered a disaster can indulge in his own world and repeat what he wants to do. With the generous government compensation, at the very least, he has no financial worries.

Are there such people around us? It seems rude and offends others, but it is actually out of control. Repeated refusal to help is actually the person who needs powerful and effective help the most.
Yes, some, it's just that all of us in the world simply shy away and give up.

There is a question. Charlie was prosecuted for carrying a gun and confronting passers-by and confrontation with the police, and received a psychiatric examination. But in the end, why did he need his parents-in-law to withdraw the lawsuit to quell the incident? I don't understand this.

I watched it last night, and after reading it, I felt that last night was September 11. It's a coincidence.
This story, based on the story of a widower in the 9/11 accident, seems to be a special event, but in fact, it tells the redemption after various natural and man-made disasters in the world. Actually it is universal.

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Reign Over Me quotes

  • Charlie Fineman: I have no one. At least you two have each other.

    [Charlie kisses Ginger Timplemen, his mother-in-law, on her cheek and walks away]

  • Charlie Fineman: [Charlie looks at Alan] I had three daughters.

    Alan Johnson: [surprised] I... I know.

    Charlie Fineman: Geena was five. Jenny was seven, she, uh... she liked boys already. Julie was 9. She was... she was older. They all looked alike, Johnson. Like Doreen. Doreen was my wife. DT. That was her nickname. Doreen Timpleman. She had a dog, Spider. Spider... the poodle. They'd wake me up all the time, Saturday mornings, you know, singing Beatles songs to me in harmony, the four of them... so cute, so cute. Doreen never judged me... never nagged like some wives do. Wanted me to take my shoes off so I didn't wreck the carpet. That's it. Doreen and the girls were VERY female. I... I... I was the oddball, you know. Mr. Man. They adored me, Johnson...

    Alan Johnson: I bet they did... I know they did, Charlie.

    Charlie Fineman: With the long brown hair... except little Geena. She kept the hair short... to be different from everybody... she, um, she had a birthmark, though. Looked like a burn... but it wasn't. She always said it was gonna go away, but it... it never did. Jenny, Jenny, this one... she wanted to be a gymnast. She was such a klutz, though. I didn't have the heart to mention it as a problem. They, uh, went to see Doreen's sister Ellen and her girls in Boston, and they took Spider, because... I had to work and they didn't trust me to feed her, but that was a joke. We were all going to DT's little cousin's wedding in Los Angeles, and I was gonna meet them out there... The kids wanted to go to Disneyland, but they... they uh, were already gonna miss a couple days of school, so we had to say no. You know. So I'm going out to meet them in Los Angeles, and on the way to JFK, I'm in a taxicab and I hear on the radio...

    [slowly starts to cry]

    Charlie Fineman: I get there and the man tells me the plane's from Boston... another man tells me there's two planes.


    Charlie Fineman: Then I go inside the airport and I'm watching. I'm watching on the television... and I... and I... I... I saw it. I saw it and I felt it at the same time. I thought about Geena's birthmark, and I... I felt them burning...