Let the thrilling sportsmanship emerge naturally from the conflicting daily life

Melvin 2022-10-09 14:06:04

It's only been two episodes and I can't help but comment.

Judging from the first two episodes, the creative team has very high demands on themselves, and has paid great sincerity and effort. The sensationalism can quickly stimulate the nerves of the audience, and many documentaries will happily take advantage of this, but "The Last Dance" does not rely on such banality. "The Last Dance" carefully describes each event and each character, refusing to pass over inexplicable details, all characters are flesh and blood, it feels like watching a very good drama, let the shocking sports The spirit emerges naturally from the conflicted daily life. This requires not only a rigorous work attitude and superb production skills, but more importantly, the vision of a writer.

There are 8 episodes left, I hope the whole film will hold its own and become a classic in sports documentaries!

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