This dance is the most beautiful chapter of youth

Carmella 2022-10-11 03:48:35

This is a dynasty that belongs to our era. It is an extremely difficult but incomparably tenacious empire. Its super-powerful dominance in any period is the hegemony of its peers. It carries the glory of the king and interprets the power of power. Games, the unrepeatable surface is the strongest, the unprecedented leader's aura, fortunate to have grown up with this life and become an indelible mark of youth, regret that time is the same. In the end, you in the realm of the gods and we in the mortal world have to face the time imposed on us The old age, and seeing your "last dance" again, I still feel the blood and sweat glands boiling, but at the same time, the deep nostalgia still brings tears to the eyes of the pretended strong heart. QJ

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