Most of what Jordan said was fulfilled

Keagan 2022-09-17 20:54:07

The Last Dance was over and the response was overwhelming. At the beginning of the story, when Jordan entered the Bulls, he talked about his expectations for the future of the team. He said that he hoped that the team could be respected like the Green Kai Lakers and the 76ers. At the end of the story, this scene is repeated again and again. It is obvious that Jordan has fully realized this wish, and the team honor has far exceeded the 76ers.

After he finished speaking, he showed a look of "I put my words here, you will see if I am right in the future", and smiled confidently.

The entire documentary was filmed before the Bulls' 97-98 season, when the documentary team was allowed to enter the Bulls and captured the inside story of the last championship of this great team. And now in 2020, this documentary has been released "fresh", contributing to the discussion for people at home during the epidemic.

The details of the film are very touching, Kukoc's integration, the story of Cole's father, Rodman's problem behavior and disappearance, Pippen's character and injury, all of which make the characters feel full. After watching the documentary, I realized that Pippen had a backache and insisted on playing in the finals. It turned out that the Jordan flu battle was because of food poisoning. It was like Ronaldo lost in the 98 World Cup finals, but Jordan was a god, and he survived.

This film is the team shooting the last championship, but of course there is a protagonist, that is Jordan. Therefore, the keynote of the film is to highlight the contributions of several major players, how Jordan and others resisted the entire team when the team was centrifugal until they won the championship. Jordan has the absolute right to review the film, so there is really no need for those who feel sorry for the management. This is not an objective and neutral film from all angles. You can’t make it without Jordan’s permission.

The documentary is based on a review of the last year of the Bulls' three-peat championship, and switches back and forth on the timeline. This method does a good job, because the mentality of the first three-peat team and the subsequent three-peat team is completely different, and the time switch is just right Create an atmosphere of contrast.

In the first three-peat, they built a dynasty with the mentality of fighting for it. The team was hungry and full of freshness. The Bulls in the next three years are gradually showing a rotten atmosphere, and their hearts will be scattered. The team with Jordan as the core also hopes to prove itself. At this time, it reflects the value of the core of the team. Whether it is Jordan or Pippen, they have made great sacrifices and contributions, and this is the perfect last dance.

The word last dance should come from Phil, I don't know how he came up with the word, the team was about to disband, the boss said to himself "even if you win 82 and you won't need you next season", he was determined to come out A perfect curtain call, of course, because he has Jordan.

jordan is god

If you are a basketball layman and want to know some things in this field, you will find that many opinions are controversial, only "Jordan is a god" is recognized in the industry.

To say that he is a god does not mean that he is omnipotent, but that he undisputedly surpasses other peers by a level, and no matter how strong others are, they are not at the same level as Jordan. He knows it, his teammates know it, his opponent knows it, and so do all the fans.

This is also why, a player is about to retire, the team veterans are in their 30s, the team is about to fall apart, and the outside world is still concerned about whether this team can win the championship. Because they have Jordan as the backing, the possibility of winning the championship is very great. No one could imagine that Jordan would lose to anyone at that time.

In fact, 35 is an age that is not very friendly to athletes, and your body is declining, but you are not old enough to gain sympathy from the outside world.

You are no longer young. The past experience and glory are more like a burden on you. You must carry the team on your shoulders, otherwise you will definitely be criticized.

For athletes who are about to retire, their final year results are generally not too demanding. Tennis legend Federer has become a living fossil, and his fans are not clamoring for him to win every Open.

The vast majority of players will experience significant physical decline in the later stages of their careers, explosiveness and speed decline, and they will begin to show a disadvantage in physical confrontation with their opponents.

The 35-year-old Ronaldinho faltered on the football field, and the 35-year-old James could no longer lead the team to the playoffs alone, and the defense began to be random.

But when Jordan was 35 years old, he still had strict requirements on himself. His application of his body and technology had become more and more extreme. At this time, he knew himself best, and he knew how to use his talent and body.

For such a veteran, most people's understanding is to score at critical moments, show off to win the game, and be invisible at ordinary moments, but can Jordan do this? There were few young players on the team, Pippen was injured, and Rodman was aging and having problems. Jordan must carry everything by himself, as he did in his rookie season, and inspire his teammates. When questioned by the media, he must stand up to stabilize the military and say something harsh.

Jordan speaks aggressively

Jordan did say things that a lot of people didn't like. He was extremely aggressive, but he basically didn't talk big.

If you don't like it, it's not a fact. Jordan should have never met anyone who is a match for him in his career, so he will have a kind of arrogance in front of anyone, the kind of "you are not on the same level as me, don't be arrogant" confidence.

He not only scolded the team, his teammates, his opponents, but also reporters. When the reporter guessed that the Bulls would lose at most 5 games, Jordan remembered what everyone said, and then fought back one by one, and finally hit "The shot" to achieve the lore.

Thinking about the embarrassment of being exposed by a player at the scene of his failure to predict, I find it very funny, and the old man is very happy to say it.

When Jordan chased Byron Russell and scored lore one after another, Russell should know best that it 's not Jordan who should be the one who should be the one who should not talk big, but those who have angered him .

Jordan, who was so competitive, also had his heart-warming moments, but of course not to his opponents, but to his own people. Collins was very nervous for the first time coaching. Jordan comforted him that he would definitely win the game.

Pride is the characteristic of Jordan. His competitive character makes him pursue success. In his career, he has made numerous promises, and almost every one of them has been realized. Only in success can he have the capital of pride.

Public Number: Shake to Grandma Bridge

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