human or animal

Marianna 2022-04-22 07:01:31

The curiosity and curiosity of scientists led to the beginning of the experiment. But when the female scientist's idea of ​​wanting children shifted subtly, it became a life contest. Strange creatures have the biological instinct to reproduce. Even humans cannot resist this instinct. When the female scientists discovered it, they didn't realize that there was a social relationship between the two organisms because of their commonalities. Strong biological instincts give new creatures an advantage. Even in the face of two scientists who are like parents, the rules of survival of the fittest in the biological world must still be followed. Even if they live in the human world, they have higher intelligence and the same body organs. The essence of the distinction between humans and animals remains moral. The hesitation in the final blow seemed to prove it. But how should people who have lost their moral standards be judged? The unborn child is like a new moral bomb hidden in everyone's heart.
Human or animal.

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  • Elsa Kast: [crying] What do you want? What do you want?

    Dren: Inside... you...

  • Clive Nicoli: Why the fuck did you make her in the first place? Huh? For the betterment of mankind? You never wanted a normal child because you were afraid of losing control.