Beautiful Creatures (2013)

Duane 2022-04-24 06:01:01

When I watched the trailer, I thought it should be a good magical movie. After watching the movie, I felt that the trailer was better than the movie itself. To be honest, I was a little disappointed.

Maybe I love watching magic movies too much. In contrast, this Beautiful Creatures is a bit average. The storyline is definitely a teenage movie, but there are many kiss scenes for the male and female protagonists under the age of 16, even involving "love". Well, I can only silently sigh: Westerners are so precocious!

Some scenes in the movie are still beautifully shot. For example, when Lena showed her power to Ethan for the first time in the room, the shining poems on the wall of the room; and before Lena erased Ethan’s memory, the two hugged each other. In the snow. Also, the part where Lena quarreled with Ethan and attracted a little rain cloud on Ethan's head was also quite funny.

After all, it allowed me to spend an hour of boring time easily and happily. 5 points to 3 points.

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Beautiful Creatures quotes

  • Amma: Casters have been fighting alongside mortals for centuries, every war, every side. Just because they're supernatural don't make them any smarter.

  • Ethan Wate: You know what I can't figure is, you go to Church every Sunday. How do you believe in all this and still believe in God?

    Amma: God created all things, didn't he? It's only men who go and decide which ones are mistakes.