stick to beauty

Bradford 2022-04-22 07:01:30

It's a beautiful but tearful story.
First of all, the irresistible charm of the woman, the woman who lives with tenacity
: how many human emotions are carried by Malena Malena. There could be many adjectives to footnote this poor and honorable woman. I want to be loyal but I can't keep my body, just to have the basic conditions for survival when I become a widow, but I have to succumb to men. After being jealous and spurned by countless women, I was forced to leave the town but was dragged abruptly. The husband's hand returned to the town again, and he faced it calmly. In the middle of the movie, I was thinking, if it were me, would I still be in this small town when I lost my husband, my father, and what to rely on? Didn't Malena think about it? Of course, this answer is a bit more complicated. And when she was dragged into the street by a group of women in a small town because of the mad fire of jealousy and resentment, did she ever think about still returning to this place where she couldn't look up at the sky? This woman in the movie, this woman with a graceful figure and a single-mindedness towards her husband, this woman who insisted on raising her head up to be a human being with a rough fate, let me see the other side of human beings, and the vitality of people who was enough to shake my heart. Before watching this movie, I have never felt that human life can be so tenacious and unbreakable, and dignity can be destroyed and re-established in this way, and it is too high for you to match. Is Malena an individual or a group? These features of her life are present in everyone, but are infinitely magnified before our eyes. Don't underestimate a woman, don't underestimate anyone, when he has the power, he is invincible.
Let's talk about Willitu, he let us see the bloom of youth. This love story is pure and beautiful, just like the first love in the flowery and rainy seasons that each of us has experienced. The person he loves is beautiful and attractive. Every man wants to have a close relationship with her, and Velito is no exception, because he is growing into a man and needs psychological and physical satisfaction. In the process of growing up, Velitu's curiosity and nature of sexuality, desire for the opposite sex, and dramatization of love in his heart are all vividly presented. The director tells the story so beautifully and movingly that it reminds you of yourself and everyone's inner pursuit and yearning for beauty.
In the movie, I also saw the shadow of "Paradise Cinema", which is a unique scenery on this Sicilian island. Streets, light and shadow, sea water, and the indispensable cinema. Perhaps the biggest difference is the era in the background and the inhabitants of the town. In this film, the environment always reveals to you that war is the source of these traumas. The residents of the small town are like people in a large Chinese feudal family, connected and independent of each other, relying on each other and hurting each other. Men and women, men and men, women and women, have become small or great under the catalysis of human nature and war.
From this beautiful legend, I learned the true meaning of human life.

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Malena quotes

  • Renato Amoroso: Buona fortuna, signora Malèna.

  • Renato's Father: [regarding Renato's incessant and loud masturbation sessions at night] You are going to go blind!