People should try to accept some shocks, visual or sensory, to rewrite the stagnant life in front of them. The so-called enduring.
Looking at the crowded street, her dark cheeks. The night is so charming, and the flickering lights imprint her misty eyes and hurried steps. A long white linen dress, wrapped in folds ravaged by time, is looming at the corner of the long street. Seeing that the skirt sags, it lifts up slightly. In the end, there was a beautiful black mole above the corner of the eye.
I like the rhythm. Can't remember where I've seen a picture like this. The harbour, which seemed to be broken as if it had hit the rocks, could not stand docking. Women originate from a little memory in the brain. about some movies.
There is a Sicilian film review that I like very much: "A kind of beauty disappears, beauty is tragic, beauty is nostalgic, beauty is broken. Beauty is magnified, ugliness is magnified. Beauty is distorted by ugliness, and ugliness is diluted by beauty." Prisoners of time. What beauty chooses is not a good life, but a gorgeous life adventure. Luxurious, illusory, murderous.
End with a favorite sentence: Linshui Zhaohua people are finally reproduced in a beautiful and desperate gesture
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