this is love

Brooke 2022-04-23 07:02:25

A relatively heavy film, everyone will come to that time, and there are very few people who can take good care of their wives like the old gentleman. The old gentleman is also a very cultivated person, but I think their old age is indeed so sad, the younger generation is fundamentally I don't know what they need. In the end, he killed his wife, in fact, to get her out of the disease early. What's the point of living like that. I also agree with a netizen who said: "So I burst into tears and understood George's intention. Instead of letting her lover die in pain, it is better to let her live happily in his heart. How can you not understand your lover after being together for a lifetime? What about your thoughts? Those viewers who only see "murder" are probably not familiar with the world and can't understand "love"." To
quote a netizen's plot description, I think he said it very carefully, and basically wrote a lot. The story and feelings of the couple in the play.
The heroine is a senior music teacher, and the hero is not very clear. From the perspective of home decoration, it seems to be a famous painter or a well-educated professor. The two fell in love with each other until they retired and died. The two have a daughter. The student trained by the heroine has a great talent in Schubert's music, is very popular in Europe, and is the son-in-law of the second old man. Once, after listening to his student's concert, when the hero and heroine were eating, the heroine's eyes were blank, and she did not reflect on everything around her, and then she was completely unaware of the situation just now. Her husband took her to the hospital and learned that an operation was needed. Although the doctor analyzed that the success rate of the operation was very high, the heroine's operation still encountered a reality of 5% failure, resulting in paralysis of the right half of her body. Despite this, the two still look at life as usual, except that the heroine's self-esteem is very strong, and the love for her husband is also very strong (although it is not shown), and the idea that there is no reason to live (actually unwilling to live) gradually sprouts. become a burden on her husband) her husband is indeed a well-bred and responsible man who has the same strong self-esteem as his wife. For example: every time the community service personnel come to serve, the change after payment will be used as a tip, buy an adjustable single bed, wheelchair, electric wheelchair for the half-paralyzed wife, ask the nursing staff to take care of the wife, do physical massage for the wife, And in any situation where a patient who is half paralyzed and unable to take care of himself needs meticulous care, the husband does a great job. During the period, their daughter came to visit the second elder, chatted with the father about some trivial matters, and asked about some of the mother's illness; the heroine's student came to visit once. But the young man could never understand the mood of the second old man at that time. The daughter seemed to have doubts about her father's meticulous care for her mother, always made some suggestions, and later, when her mother was seriously ill, she was impatient and emotional. From her conversation with her mother, it can be seen that her mind was on the house of the second old man, trying to send her seriously ill mother to a nursing home and asking her father to make other plans, and was then mildly and severely criticized by her father. When the heroine's students came to visit, they only showed concern for the teacher. Although this is not bad, what the two elders really want is to see more of their beloved disciples, and hope that their beloved disciples can be like Treat your teacher like an ordinary person, not with sympathy. Unexpectedly, this unsophisticated young musician actually made a special trip to show sympathy for the teacher's experience in a letter later, and the heroine was very indifferent to this. Then the heroine became seriously ill and was paralyzed to the point of opening her mouth. The two nurses invited by her husband were not very attentive and seemed to be just doing a routine. The husband sees it, but only Can be in pain and silent, one of the nurses is extremely rude, can't take care of the patient's pain when combing the heroine's hair, and then looks in the mirror for the heroine. The male protagonist couldn't bear it and fired her, but she was arrogant and disrespectful to the male protagonist. The actor finally just said to her: "I hope your care treats you like this when you encounter this situation, and you have no choice." In the end, the old man did not pay her the change as a tip as before. The heroine later tried to go on a hunger strike, but was severely stopped by her husband. The subsequent life was that the husband took care of his wife day after day. In the end, the pain of the wife was unbearable, and she had to cry every time, and her words were slurred. The husband can only tell her some of his own stories to relieve his wife's pain so that she can sleep peacefully. Here, I just want to believe that the husband can't bear the suffering of his wife. After telling the last story, the heroine is used by the husband. A pillow covers his head and suffocates to death. The husband's subsequent life is to treat his wife as still by his side, tell his wife what he wants to say and what he has done, and just write it down on paper. After another period of time, the neighbors reported the smell and notified the firefighters. After the firefighters broke into the door, they found the heroine lying peacefully on the bed in plain clothes, with petals sprinkled beside her. Although the hero had no plot, he believed Also died in the room. In the final scene, the two did not seem to die, but walked out of the room together as usual. In the end, only their daughter was left, looking at the house indifferently. , I found that the heroine was lying on the bed peacefully in plain clothes, with petals sprinkled beside her. Although the hero had no plot, I believe she died in the room. In the final scene, the two did not seem to die, but walked out of the room together as usual. In the end, only their daughter was left, looking at the house indifferently. , I found that the heroine was lying on the bed peacefully in plain clothes, with petals sprinkled beside her. Although the hero had no plot, I believe she died in the room. In the final scene, the two did not seem to die, but walked out of the room together as usual. In the end, only their daughter was left, looking at the house indifferently.
Everyone has a day when they grow old. There should be such a movie for us to reflect on. Hospice care and letting the elderly die with dignity are the most meaningful things.

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Amour quotes

  • Anne: What would you say if no one came to your funeral?

    Georges: Nothing, presumably.

  • Georges: [telling a childhood memory] ... some banal romance or other about a nobleman and a lower middle-class girl who couldn't have each other and who then, out of sheer magnanimity, decide to renounce their love - in fact, I don't quite remember it any more. In any case, afterwards I was thoroughly distraught, and it took me a bit of time to calm down. In the courtyard of the house where grandma lived, there was a young guy at the window who asked me where I'd been. He was a couple of years older than me, a braggart who really impressed me. "To the movies," I said, because I was proud that my grandma had given me the money to go all alone to the cinema. "What did you see?" I started to tell him the story of the movie, and as I did, all the emotion came back. I didn't want to cry in front of the boy, but it was impossible; there I was, crying out loud in the courtyard, and I told him the whole drama to the bitter end.

    Anne: So? How did he react?

    Georges: No idea. He probably found it amusing. I don't remember. I don't remember the film either. But I remember the feeling. That I was ashamed of crying, but that telling him the story made all my feelings and tears come back, almost more powerfully than when I was actually watching the film, and that I just couldn't stop.

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