I'm right after you

Keagan 2022-04-22 07:01:31

She let him let go so as not to burden him, and he let go because he realized that life had become her burden. But no matter what, the people who are with you will stay with you. Wherever it is for whomever. Just yesterday, I saw Yao Keng's magazine interview picture with He Zhaoya during the filming interval, with a sentence: "Twenty-eight years old, in fact, a moment." Before I typed this sentence, I didn't expect that I would Tears collapsed. After all, Haneke's calm and calm on-camera language did not take a second to express his emotions, and he was cold and did not give a hint of hypocrisy. But the music stops, symbolizing the change of life, its gradual demise, and there is only silence, muttering and wailing. But love that never dies, is more silent than silence. The process from the irritability that forced him to live to the initiative to eliminate his pain after understanding, is probably the understanding that two people have accompanied for a lifetime, and has nothing to do with verbal expression. Before she was fully embedded in her emotions, she looked at her behavior and thought that this year my grandma was like this before she died, and it was worse than her. After all, my grandma used to have a stronger temperament and had lost her lover for decades. Last time my mother told me that she was reading my grandfather's diary, and described to me that there was roughly this paragraph in the diary about reflection after a dispute: she lost her mother since she was a child, her stepmother treated her badly, and she didn't get enough love when she was a child, It's not her fault for being a little temperamental, he should be more tolerant and loving to her. He, who was silent all his life and did not like to speak, and she, who was steadfast and fearless all his life, all ordinary little things were love, and the only weakness in life was love. Like him and her in the movie. Pretty much all I have to say. For life, there is never the best choice, only "choice". But love is not in the category of "choice". You can choose life or death, you can choose different people, but not love. In fact, this is not a film review, but a personal thought, accompanied by a moment of tears. And the idea of ​​realizing how old I am, yet love is still the only one. No more, no less, but always a habitual or not a habitual companion.

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Amour quotes

  • Anne: What would you say if no one came to your funeral?

    Georges: Nothing, presumably.

  • Georges: [telling a childhood memory] ... some banal romance or other about a nobleman and a lower middle-class girl who couldn't have each other and who then, out of sheer magnanimity, decide to renounce their love - in fact, I don't quite remember it any more. In any case, afterwards I was thoroughly distraught, and it took me a bit of time to calm down. In the courtyard of the house where grandma lived, there was a young guy at the window who asked me where I'd been. He was a couple of years older than me, a braggart who really impressed me. "To the movies," I said, because I was proud that my grandma had given me the money to go all alone to the cinema. "What did you see?" I started to tell him the story of the movie, and as I did, all the emotion came back. I didn't want to cry in front of the boy, but it was impossible; there I was, crying out loud in the courtyard, and I told him the whole drama to the bitter end.

    Anne: So? How did he react?

    Georges: No idea. He probably found it amusing. I don't remember. I don't remember the film either. But I remember the feeling. That I was ashamed of crying, but that telling him the story made all my feelings and tears come back, almost more powerfully than when I was actually watching the film, and that I just couldn't stop.

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