Through the mirror

Owen 2022-04-24 07:01:06

Love really needs the right time and place. I don't want to judge Mr. Humber's actions from a human point of view. He's so invested in his love for Lolita, he's looking for a memory, trying to capture how his first love made him feel. In the end is the mirror. He never really got Lolita, and he misguided this girl whose logic was a little different from ordinary people. Blame yourself, and regret always comes at the end. But I am still sad. He is not as gentleman as I thought before, not only from the erotic point of view, he really loves Lolita (love a phantom of a first love) and therefore, he belongs to the humble side (this kind of "selfless love" People are really like Gatsby who takes the blame for the money-loving women). Lolita has never cared about Mr.Humber, it doesn't matter, it seems that Mr.Humber is just her teddy bear, she is willing to leave at any time without any reluctance, and she has never concealed her impatience in front of Mr.Humber. Love is not love, and it hurts. The movie is flashback, the style is retro and very artistic (Wen Qing's favorite?), the bgm is well received, and there is a clip with the main melody in the next hour to show me the effect of the supernatural film? Or a horror movie? In this way, love is too absurd, like a dream. "She was 'Lo', plain 'Lo' in the morning, standing 14 in one rock . She was 'Lola' in slacks, she was 'Dolly' at school. She was 'Dolores' on the dotted line. In my arms she was always Lolita.light of my life ,fire of my loins.My soul .Lolita." "She would fade and wither,I didn't care,I would still go mad with the mere sight of her face."

Lolita (1962)
1962 / United States / United Kingdom / Drama Love Erotica / Stanley Kubrick / James Mason Shelley Winters

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Lolita quotes

  • [first lines]

    Humbert Humbert: Quilty! Quilty?

    Clare Quilty: Ah, wha? Who's there?

    Humbert Humbert: Are you Quilty.

    Clare Quilty: No, I'm... Spartacus. You come to free the slaves or sumpn?

    Humbert Humbert: Are you Quilty?

    Clare Quilty: Yeah, yeah, I'm Quilty, yeah, sure.

  • [last lines]

    Humbert Humbert: Quilty! Quilty?

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