Nothing useful

Adela 2022-04-24 07:01:06

Talk about Lolita. Lolita was initially attracted by Humbert's reserved artistic temperament, which led to curiosity and goodwill. Later, it was the daze after the mother was killed, so that Hengyi never paralyzed himself. When she gradually came out of the shadows, she first struggled, because these etiquette and literature and art were contrary to her simple and happy American thinking similar to her mother, but she soon found that simple struggle was futile, so she began to use money as a body. A deal to make sure you leave one day later.

The presence of the writer gave her an opportunity and a clear chance to leave. Possibly talkative, humorous and well-informed, she was attracted by the false sunshine and fell in love with this man who, in my personal opinion, was far inferior to Humbert. So he ran away, was abandoned again, and finally fell in love with an ordinary person, got married and had children. Maybe she just loves this real ordinary and sunshine.

Lolita finally wrote to Heng, and I think she actually forgave him. Luo may have hated and struggled for being treated like this by him, but the freshness in her bones never disappeared, so she chose to forgive.

It would be better if the killer was not too cold and the loli played. It's a pity that little loli refused.

I read the book before and felt that the novel was not as good as the movie. Also, I personally can't appreciate the so-called nonsense mood, so that when the pulp novel begins, and the whole process of Lolita, it feels too procrastinated and too slow.

There was a translated name before, a pear tree pressing a begonia, and he died of laughter, so he named it Ghost Talent. Never thought of this before.

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Lolita quotes

  • [first lines]

    Humbert Humbert: Quilty! Quilty?

    Clare Quilty: Ah, wha? Who's there?

    Humbert Humbert: Are you Quilty.

    Clare Quilty: No, I'm... Spartacus. You come to free the slaves or sumpn?

    Humbert Humbert: Are you Quilty?

    Clare Quilty: Yeah, yeah, I'm Quilty, yeah, sure.

  • [last lines]

    Humbert Humbert: Quilty! Quilty?

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