Unlike "Super Marines", the protagonist of "Crazy Alien" is more ordinary, an ordinary human little girl and a little Ou who is not accepted by her peers. This may be the biggest difference between DreamWorks and Disney. The protagonist of DreamWorks They have always been ordinary people like us, such as Panda Bao, such as Shrek. They are sloppy, playful, a little clever, and sometimes run away from battle. Just like Xiao Ou in this film, they care about family and friends the most. , they never thought of becoming a superhero who saves the world, just for their family and friends, they can overcome their weaknesses and never look back.
Back to this film, the dubbing is all famous, Xiao Ou dubbed by Sheldon, Xiao Qian dubbed by Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez and Stephen Martin, one is a Latin queen and the other is a famous white-headed detective. The animated images and The actor's acting style is very good. It may be the participation of the two queens. The theme song and episode of this film are very good.
In a standard family movie, there are no villains. The seemingly vicious melon star is actually a super cute thing; even the stupid captain is just a big boy with a glass heart. At the end of the film, when Xiao Qian rushed towards Xiao Ou recklessly, I think that everyone should cherish the person who is reckless for themselves.
In the end, Van Gogh's "Starry Night" became the film's biggest supporting role.
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